Importing Harley's from USA

  • Coxy
    12 years ago

    EDIT: Double post d'oh

  • Coxy
    12 years ago

     well Sapid that was a helluva first post .... all sounds logical ..............


    So now to cause a little more debate .. does anyone have a strong opinion on the Harley LED Headlight and its compliance in Oz as it doesn't dip one way or the other?

    EDIT: Link to the official HD Page with Pics and Video showing comparison between standard incandescent and new LED on high and Low beam


  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    12 years ago


  • allde
    12 years ago
    Never heard of a Bourget Branded bike before Will, off your link, they look pretty sweet.
  • sic-puppy
    12 years ago

    and what is on board that we can perv at

    while im waiting ,waiting and waiting

  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    & the expecting owners will be doing back flips too.been lovin mine since i got it & wat a weapon Chopa!!You done a mighty job with mine so everyone that is thinking about it should do it !! Cheers :)
  • sic-puppy
    12 years ago
    i really would like to see the shovel...if we are allowed
  • FLHuTChU
    12 years ago
    It IS a cracker Wayne, I want one too!!
  • sic-puppy
    12 years ago
    mate , thanks for the shovel pic
    the little xr is sweet hey.....and the springer--- what a lucky guy
    i know.... mine here soon....but buy god that springer is nice
  • slickx
    12 years ago

    Ok the anticipation is killing me.

    Chops, you can put up a pic of mine as soon as you get a look in the crate ok <img src=" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif" />

  • aido
    12 years ago
    That is one horny looking XR, I had one similar as a kid. what is something like that worth?
  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago
    Great pic Chop!

    How do they go in rough seas? The softie's tail looks mighty close to the container!!
  • contractor
    12 years ago
    snowboards? wtf are you branching out lol
  • sic-puppy
    12 years ago
    with all the planning that goes into that,i sure would like to see a pic or two when you open the box up when it gets here.
    and mine is beside a leadwing!!!
    anymore pic,s mate...please dying here lol
  • t0lkien
    12 years ago
    I'm in the market for a (black) V-Rod or possibly a (again black) Nightster. PM me if any upcoming or available. Cheers!
  • contractor
    12 years ago
    free weekend on the slopes weeza :) worth it for sure
  • sic-puppy
    12 years ago
    more like a week or 2 me thinks
  • noddy59
    12 years ago
    can anybody tell me the name of a good bike hauler in the US as my bike is ready to get moving , have shipper sorted for the wet bit , just need to get bike to L.A.
    cheers Noddy
  • noddy59
    12 years ago
    north west Minnesota