Importing Harley's from USA

  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    Here’s the deal on a new 2013 CVO Breakout in the USA. First of all, no dealer will discount them, many will try to sell them at a premium of $2000 or more. Most dealers will sell them at MSRP ($26,499) + Freight ($380) and Dealer Setup ($620) for a total of around $27,499.

    If you have a relative in the USA that will buy one from their local dealer then they will have to pay sales tax, license and registration fees. In California, for example, the sales tax rate is 8.75% ($2406), license and registration comes to around another $800. Then there is to cost to get the bike to Chopaweeza’s warehouse in Los Angeles, let’s say around $250. The total if you have a relative in California to buy one for you would be around $30,955.

    I can get these bikes and save a little on the costs but not tons. Here is the breakdown…

    Bike with Freight and Prep - $27499, Freight to Chopaweeza’s warehouse - $700 (the companies I buy from are mostly on the east coast), My commission - $1000, Oregon Registration - $500, Grand Total - $29,699. A savings of around $1300 over having a relative buy one.

    I own a home in Oregon and have an Oregon driver license. Oregon does not have sales tax and the cost to register a bike is much lower than most states.

    On top of the cost of the bike add, sea freight, GST, ADR compliance and AU registration to calculate your total landed cost.

    Chopa, please fill in the additional costs to come up with a total landed cost for the guys? Thanks!



  • Retroman
    12 years ago

    To Chopa

    Actually they can be imported as they are a variation of the Softail and fall under the Softail heading . Already have had a talk to several RAWS and all say the same .

    Don't they have to appear as a listed model on the approval list ?  FXSTC / FLSTN etc etc ?

    To Bonkerz

    Wouldn't you skip the rego since its being sent overseas?

    The bikes have to have had US title , so US rego has to be got in any event !

  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    Retroman is right, the Australian government will not allow a new bike to be imported. It must first be registered and be imported as a used / second hand bike.

  • Rains
    12 years ago
    I was in the US this January and seriously considered buying a new Fatboy and then shipping it home, but the costs just didn't work out (I had friends / relatives in different states, but unfortunately none in Oregon) - I got quotes from dealers in Seattle & Philadelphia, but even with some good discouning, the final cost to get it on the road here (with voided warranty) would not have been that much less than the local price. It was not worth the hassle or the wait. As always, the big depreciation hits a new bike in the first 2-3 years and the price plateaus after a certain point, so from a savings perspective, the really good deals are only in the late model big bikes. Of course, some people have imported almost new bikes for their colours etc. I ended up importing a used Fatboy.
  • ==ShaDoW==
    12 years ago
    maybe i am a bit slow but that all sounds like its still 5-8k under the local 43k asking price? am I just slow?
  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    I have not been able to find the 2013 Australian MSRP documented anywhere yet. If anyone knows where to find the MSRP for each bike please let me know. If the selling price for the CVO Breakout is indeed $43,000 then the savings should be around $7,000. It would be helpful if someone could get an exact quote for all the other fees to get the bike registered and on the road after the bike leaves ADR compliance. In the meantime here is a quote for all fees up to the ADR compliance process as per Chopa’s quote of $3200… Keep in mind if you can get the sea freight or ADR cheaper then reduce the total... Also, if we can find the bike closer to Los Angeles then reduce the total for the inland freight to Los Angeles...

    Michael McIntyre


    US Motorcycle Sales

    +1 925 890 0691

    +61 02 8003 3303


    FYI, I can get any new bike at the same pricing structure. In other words, we export new bikes at MSRP + Freight ($380) and Dealer Setup ($620) for a total around $1000 over MSRP. New bikes must be registered in the USA first before they can be imported into Australia and there is a cost of $500 for an Oregon title. We also broker used bikes. Used bikes are already registered and do not need the $500 Oregon title.

    We do not markup freight to get to Chopaweeza’s warehouse. Expect to pay around $700 if the bike we buy is on the east coast and $250 if the bike is on the west coast. Our commission is $1000 on new bikes and $500 on used bikes. (There is a lot more work involved in buying new bikes)

    If you need help finding a bike in the USA feel free to contact me, I will be happy to help. My email is and my phone numbers are +1 925 890-0691. I also have a Skype phone number which is Australia based +61 02 8003 3303. If you call, please keep in mind the time difference, I am located in California, the time zone is Pacific Standard Time. Thanks!


  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    FYI – Here is the 2013 Harley MSRP Price list for your convenience. Keep in mind that in Australia, most bikes come standard with ABS brakes and Security system. In the USA, ABS brakes and Security system are optional on most bikes. Another thing I noticed is that it seems in Australia, there is no price difference in the color of a bike. In the USA Harley charges one price for a Vivid Black bike and a different price for solid color (red, blue, white etc.) another different price for 2-tone paint, and another different price for custom paint etc.

    There are some bikes that come standard with ABS, Security and Cruise Control. When this occurs I have mentioned that in the “Name” column and added “Included” in the “ABS & Security Option” column. I hope this is not too confusing…

    To do a true apples for apples price comparison, add the ABS and Security Option price to the model you are interested in if that model does not come standard in the USA with ABS and Security.

    One other thing, the Anniversary models are extremely hard to find and the production is extremely low; I have been told that, for example, the FLHR Road King Standard Anniversary Model will have a production of only 900 for world-wide distribution. Each Anniversary model will be numbered and have a plaque on the gas tank such as “69 of 900” etc.

    I have attached a couple of pictures of the Anniversary Road King. The first picture / rendering shows the bike in its stock configuration. The second picture shows the bike with optional accessories such as the matching tour-pak. The bike does not come standard with the tour-pak.


  • slickx
    12 years ago

    I took the plunge and asked Chopz to help me get myself a newish bike.
    Settled on a 2010 Fatbob....just my style.
    Chopz has been really helpful with double checking the bike i purchased before buying and if i do buy another i wont be changing my importer.
    The dealer i purchased off was super helpful and everything so far has been running super smooth.
    I know the wait time is high but all good things come to those who wait.
    See link below for pics

  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    Does anyone know how much the sale price in Australia is for a Screamin Eagle Road King FLHRSE5? I've got one arriving soon and could have it a Chopaweeza's LA warehouse in mid October..


  • kiteman
    12 years ago

    Heavy Duty magazine has it at $47,095  and also $48,095 (with pic) including security system.

  • Coxy
    12 years ago

     go to look up any bike any year any model in the research link and it will give you original price, private sale and trade-in estimates.

  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    Thanks for the reply, it helped a lot!

  • Coxy
    12 years ago
    Wayne, when you get a sec... people keep asking me what needs to be done to make a late model US bike comly with Aus Standards .. my standard reply of changing it to right hand drive isonly funny once (and completely lost on some...) any chance of giving us a quick summary of what needs to be done for the RAWS guy to get the big tick on an import?
  • Coxy
    12 years ago

     Great thanks Wayne that gives me a much better idea of what's involved.                                                             Who generally organises the replacement parts ( speedo/tyres/brake pads etc) ? The RAWS guy or the importer or their agent?            


  • Retroman
    12 years ago

    Dot 5 is the specification for Australian Harleys so the DOT 4 gets flushed & replaced

    Sorta right and sorta wrong ! All Harleys had DOT 5 Silicone fluid up until 2005. Export , "US Domestic" , the lot !


    2006 onwards all Harley models were switched to "old" DOT 4 Glycol based fluid. Better for ABS apparently they said.

    Hardly any models had ABS at that time, although most do now in 2012.

    These fluids DO NOT MIX WELL and a changeover either way needs the whole brake system washing/rinsing

    If any importer/ compliancing RAWS workshop does put DOT5 in a post 2006 bike then there's future problems for sure

  • USMotorcycleSales
    12 years ago

    Thanks for the recognition Grotty. I am glad to help and happy it worked out for you bud. Jackie Taylor is such a nice lady; I always enjoy talking to her. She sounds kind of sexy too!  It's nice when someone appreciates the help. I greatly appreciate the feedback!

  • Fe883
    12 years ago

    This will probably be a stupid question..but...

    Can you import a new bike from the states?

    I personally love the 110th Anniversary model XL1200C, but cost here is RRP $18500 or thereabouts...

    In the good ol' USofA its only RRP $11700

    Even the Bike i am considering the Iron883 is remarkably cheaper.

    Cheers Guys.

  • Fe883
    12 years ago

     Thanks Chopaweeza,

    Didn't think it would be that easy.

  • Sapid
    12 years ago

     Arhh, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing......

    If anything, including brake pads, is suspected of containing asbestos, the item would not be released by customs until it was proven by testing, one way or another, whether asbestos was present. If present, the items would be taken and destroyed.

    Brake fluid is flushed and replaced because it absorbs water (DOT 5 is the least likely to absorb water) and Government leglisation requires that it be changed on ALL vehicles imported under the RAWS scheme. It is replaced with whatever is specified on the master cylinder resevoir. If you have ever read the top of the resevoir, it says to use only fluid from a sealed container ie fluid with no water absorbed.

    There is no "Australian Compliance rating" for motorcycle tyres. Governemnt leglislation requires ALL vehicles imported under the RAWS scheme be fitted with new tyres as part of the "compliance" process. 

    The speedo must show the speed travelled with KPH as the major (or only) scale, it must show a maximum speed at least equal to the top speed of the vehicle and must not show a speed lower than the true speed of the vehicle for any speed at which the vehicle is travelling. (it can show a higher speed but there is a limit to this) There has been no requirement for an odometer since around 2005.

    Many modern headlamps do not dip one way or the other. Headlamps do not "need to have a Euro Compliance Mark". They need to meet either ADR 46/00 or 55/00. E11 would indicate the component met ECE (not eec) regulations and was tested and the approval granted in the United Kingdom - that is what the 11 means. It does not say what the item is or to which regulation it was tested. An ECE approval would normally be of the form E11 R50 2468 which tells you it was tested in the UK to Regulation 50 and was granted approval number 2468.

    Most US motorcycles have dual filament bulbs in the front indicators with the low wattage filament on when the engine is running and the high wattage filament operational as the indicator. The former is not allowed in Australia not withstanding that, at least in my opinion, it makes the motorcycle more visible than with the headlamp alone.

    The ADRs cover things such as, but not limited to, lights, reflectors, brakes and noise. The RAW can only use components that they have a test report for. If they have tested a US headlamp and it meets the requirements, it can be used. The same applies to brake pads, reflectors and lights. If an after market exhaust meets the ADR requirements, it can be used. Howver, as owners change the exhaust to make the bike louder and the government wants the bike to be quieter, this is unlikely. 

    There are also ADRs governing where lights and reflectors are placed and their angles of visibility. That is why side mounted rear lamps for example must be moved or replaced.

    Components must be identified by part number or markings so they can be traced to a test report. You would be surprised as to how many different rear lamps, indicators or brake pads are used by Harley Davidson. 





  • robots
    12 years ago

     hi retroman,

    great independent info retroman

    was in PS Geelong yesterday, probably 80% bikes imported,

    one of them, hit the right indicator and left rear comes on, hit the left indicator right rear comes on, amazing!

    the thing that stands out to me with these bikes is the finish on the tanks and fenders, they are all dull, not sure if the shop doesnt buff them or its a more serious issue

    they all do have good foot pegs, foot levers, brake foot pad, the yanks must like changing all them


