Are they telling me stories?

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    It just shits me that it has to come this piss aint back and forth between me and HD.

    I just got off the phone with the head of serving at HD Aus. He has actually been away in the USA for a couple of weeks and didn't know anything about it. He was actually really good to talk to and stated that he would do whatever he could to either give the bike the OK, or get it fixed. He told me that the guy probably refuses to ride it because he might get pulled over by the cops for the noisy pipes. Valid - I guess.

    We did discuss the balance issue, with the primary on the left etc, and he also told me that just about every HD he has ridden pulls left.

    So I guess I am going to just have to lump it, or piss it off.

    In any language... a shitty situation and not a good start to my HD owners experience.
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Well... I am waiting to see what the guy that was in the USA has to say.. BUT... my next plan is to go down and test ride all of the demo bikes they have. If the ride straight, then they don't have a leg to stand on.

    What surprised me is when I told the guy at HD Aus that my mates 08 Fatboy rides dead straight, he told me that it must be out of alignment as they will pull left when lined up.

    It just pisses me off.
  • 308bever
    14 years ago

    hey give blackey a call, trade her in on a nice victory, oh&s, what an absolute crock of shiiit!!!! try calling the states, or ask to speak adrain o`donoughue, he`s the boss in oz, this is not how you treat your customers!

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Yep - I hear ya!

    I am following Mrs Mongrel's lead on this one and am giving HD every opportunity to make good - So if they don't and I hit fair trading, then at least I can tell them that we tried everything with HD.

    I am keeping a bit of a diary on who said what and when, so that I have all of the dialogue as evidence - so to speak.

    You know... I would have been happier if they just had of said... Oh... that does not sound right... lets get it looked at! But no. "All HDs pull left" was the official response!!

    I tell ya what though... up until a week ago, I would have told anyone to go buy a Harley. NOW... It has lost its shine. 

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    He is soft I reckon!!

    As a last resort I will ride the fucking thing to the dealer - Tell them they can keep it until its fixed.

    Then I will write letters - to the finance company, telling them its fucked and I aint paying until its fixed - To HD Aus telling them I don't want it unless its fixed - HD USA the same, and anyone else who will fucking listen.
    14 years ago
    Subject: Are they telling me stories

    Well Mong

    looks to me like they are telling you stories
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

     OK lads,  A bit of an update.

    Have spoken again with HD and I might of gone off a bit half cocked.  I can get a bit frustrated and as my mum would say, I open my mouth and let my belly rumble!!  I should have waited until I had a good discussion with HD before making assumptions.
    HD have given me reassurance that if there is anything wrong with the bike, it will be fixed - Full Stop.  I have agreed to try and get on another FatBoy at the dealer to see if there is any noticeable  difference in the way my bike rides.  After all, other than my mates Fatty, this is the only HD I have ridden.  If I believe that mine is noticeably different, HD want to know and they will further investigate my bike - No problem.

    I won't go into the details of the discussion I had with HD, only to say that I am being looked after, and am very happy with the support that I am receiving from the guy who had been away. 
    What I will say is this.... As mentioned before, the dealer has done everything they can to try and solve my issue.  I have not mentioned the dealers name, and I won't, because they have no fault in this.   I have taken it back them 3 times, and they patiently went over it (for no charge) and as mentioned before - they said it was within spec.  I have no reason to doubt them but I want to make sure the thing is right, and if it is - All good - I will keep smiling.
    The good news is I am being looked after - and that is all I can ask for.
  • spanners
    14 years ago
    As above pasted in full:

    Posted By skin72au on 02 Feb 2011 8:43 PM
    G`day All , i don`t have a Dyna but , i thought all the late model hogs did this due to the extra weight of the primary hanging wider to the left side than older models or something like that , just my personal observation , nothing to back it so maybe a good chance i`m wrong too ?
    My 07 FLSTC and 09 FLHRC both did the same thing exactly , even though one was a softy frame and the other a late tourer (possibly more noticable with the softail though) , also one the 96ci B ridgid mounted engine and the other , rubber mount 96ci , i hardly ever take both my hands off the bars at the same time anyway , though if i need to i usually just shift my arse to the right 2 inches or shift my weight slightly as you do , iether way , when cornering through the twisties !
    It`s not really a problem too me and the bike 09 FLHRC seems to handle very well indeed as is , stock ! (just done 4200km return G.O.R & lap of Tassie from western Sydney fully loaded and 2 up and the Roadie was better then brilliant)
    But it would be interesting too know the real reason they do this , could also explain why she seems to like lefties a little more so than righties , slightly noticable but not enough to be a bother and i guess you just adapt too it !
    I carry a bike toolkit in my right saddlebag to counter it or just try to have slightly more weight on the right side if fully loaded all round !
    Cheers , Skin

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Chimney you are bastard... I heard a little rattle today as came down through the gears, and thought... Oh... Sounds like my heat shield rattled. Now that you have thrown your old man's story out there, it better not haunt me!!! LOL!!!

    Nah - its all good mate. After today's convo with HD I am really comfortable with where I am at. I should have waited until I spoke to the right bloke before jumping to conclusions. It's all good. I was too quick to jump up and down and make a fuss before having a sensible discussion with HD. Ah well. You live and learn I guess.

    I will be happy to know either way if there is an issue, or if its just me. I hope its just me!!

    For you other bastards that were out slaving today... I had a ride for you!! Loved it too. :)

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    BWahahaha You fucked now chimney!! You will hear every squeak on your bike, car, house, and toilet seat until it shits you to tears!! bWahahahaahahah!!!!


    I will keep you posted, but I am sure it will be sorted.  I am feeling much better about it now - so all good.  :)

  • spanners
    14 years ago

    Faaark I hate you already Chimney LOL.

    I got a pair of lairy boots from Passadena and they squeak at times ....but its part of the image and they look great on the foot boards bahahahahaha.

  • Dynamic
    13 years ago
    I would pull the fork assemblies, completely disassemble them and measure the fork springs to see if they have the same length. I'd likely replace them with something better, anyway. Remove ALL the oil from the legs and the dampers. Reassemble and then refill very carefully to make sure that you have exactly the same amount of oil in each leg. Unequal oil levels leave unequal air volume above the oil and that results in unequal air compression in the legs, and the air acts as a spring.
  • 308bever
    13 years ago

    HEY Mongrel, have they fixed you or the bike yet?

  • Philonrsi
    13 years ago

    If Replacing Heavy original mufflers causes Harleys to spear off to the left then there would be more Harleys in the bushes than on the road.

    Never made a scrap of difference to my FXD when I had it.

    I sit crooked on my bike (FLHTK) and it tends to wander left if I let go of the bars. Hanging on to the bars I never had a problem.

    My tyres tend to wear a little more on the right side but I put that down to road camber.


  • Mr.Mow
    13 years ago

    My knowledge of Big twins is.. well.. zero..

    But, any little thing may lead to something that fixes you problem right?

    Years ago I had a Yamaha SZR660 Supersingle, an Italian made Supersport single.. twitchy handling, light weight, loads of torque. Got it back from a service with the dealer, took off from the lights.. front would lift quite easily.

    Bugger me the thing started crabbing sideways, front came down and started slapping, happened a few times.

    Stopped, looked it over and noticed they had adjusted the chain ON ONE SIDE!, so the wheel was at an angle. Sort of like this between the swing arms (when viewed from the top (the brackets are the swing arms) ] / [

    Could be somehow the rear axle is off? Dunno, just have a look, you never know right?

  • angry
    13 years ago

    seems to be a common problem with the current crop of fatboys. i know of about 5 or 6 that have had an ongoing problem. a few seem to have been fixed by string lining the bike and making sure the wheels are aligned. from all i have heard it seems to be to do with the wider rear wheel and an offset problem caused by the wider wheel.

  • Sparra
    13 years ago

    I see your back posting Mongrel...Did they sort out your bike or are we never gonna know????

  • the_mongrel
    13 years ago
    Hello Lads,

    The truth is - I have not taken it to them. Reasons being a combination of not really having had the time, and the fact that they are over an hour away. So if I have to leave it with them, I would need to have someone follow me down there so I can get home, and then organise to pick it back up again!

    I am still not happy with the way it rides - but right now it is in the too hard basket.

  • Gnoo
    13 years ago

    Mate  my softie pulled left also

    I done the fall away on the frontend

    all fixed    lol
