the question that you have to ask yourself mongrel is, is this what i paid for? my sportster goes straight, yours should go straighter.... with car companies if you ring their main office and ask to speak to some one that can help you, generally you get the local dealer contacting you pretty quickly to work out a plan, i had a rifle that shot like a shotgun, local importer said it was fine, i said bullshit, they didn`t do much, i contacted the factory in the states, next thing importer being very friendly, new gun worked better than i could have hoped for, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BY MAKING A C#NT OF YOURSELF, BUT TRY LEGALLY FIRST!!!! good luck, what about another stealer instead of your local?
OK here is an update.
What a load of bull SHIT....................................
I don't suppose you know someone with a fatty the same that you could swap front wheels with and see if that makes a difference...
The plot thickens,,, at least the fork height question is eliminated.
Quote " When we had everything loose... we could not get anything moving at all. Nothing would budge." end quote.
Sounds weird, did you have the stem nut loosened as well?
(with the height fixed, it's basically just a matter of aligning the handle bars and triple tree with the front axle)
Can you determine what is out of line, the fender or the wheel?
It also sounds weird if the wheel is spaced off center,,,if the wheel is off center to the right, the bike would tend to want to lean to the left.
(just a thought, the front wheel ever been off,,, and is it possible to refit it with the left and right wheel spacers on the wrong sides?
[caliper would have to be a full floater])
Another quick and easy check you could do is to see if both front and rear wheels are both vertical to the frame. Bike upright on lifter and simply place an inclinometer on both disc surfaces and comparing the readings. OR, even simpler, drop a plumb bob from the top edge of each tyre and compare any gap at the bottom if any.
Also found this web site about "Wheel alignment made simple" that will interest you. It gives a good insight.
what`s bullshit bogan?
Hi Fellas, OK... so since I last posted I called a couple of other HD dealers and I don't know whether they all go to the same meeting and share customer complaints, but the three dealers I have called have all toed the same line! Completely normal and nothing to worry about. So now I am going to hit up HD Head Office and see what they say. This is a complete FUCKUP!
OH YEAH... Nearly forgot. One dealer told me that the factory acceptable limit is.... if you can correct it with upper body weight, it's fine!
If the dealer cracks it with you for pulling rank, tell them it was their job to escalate your complaint to HD Australia and cuz they wouldnt do it-- you did it for them. Now that HD Oz is involved via the district manager you should see some action. The district mgr has the authority to direct the dealer to perform warranty work paid to the dealer by HD Oz (in a discretionary manner) through direct liaison with HD Oz. Good luck. Your next port of call (which should be through the dist. HD Oz) is HD USA technical support group.
RED - The last time I took it to the dealer they had if for a couple of hours and then took it for a test ride. They told me the wheel alignment was out but only just. Said they fixed it and that the rest was normal. Thing is... The first day I rode the bike home I called the dealer and told them I did not think the front end looked straight. They said it might be just the bars and they would have a look when I was back in town. So a week later I take it back and the dealer tries to tell me it is an optical illusion as the tanks are not symmetrical, and could be making it look like it is out of square. It is now just getting to the point where I am fed up, and one of two things will happen. I will put up with it, or fuck it off and buy a Japa. 4 Japas - never an issue. 1 HD - its all turned to the shit!
WELL FUCK ME!! I thought I had heard it all!! Now the guy from Harley Australia refuses to test ride my bike because.... Are you sitting down... The Big Radius Pipse are against OH&S rules! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! He said the only way he will ride it is to take it back to stock.