Online: Rextheute2022

Are they telling me stories?

  • WAGlide
    14 years ago
    If you're not happy get on to HD head OIffice in Lane Cove. They have a guy set up spefically to handle disputes like yours. He won't worry about pipes etc that you have fitted.
  • 308bever
    14 years ago

    the question that you have to ask yourself mongrel is, is this what i paid for? my sportster goes straight, yours should go straighter.... with car companies if you ring their main office and ask to speak to some one that can help you, generally you get the local dealer contacting you pretty quickly to work out a plan, i had a rifle that shot like a shotgun, local importer said it was fine, i said bullshit, they didn`t do much, i contacted the factory in the states, next thing importer being very friendly, new gun worked better than i could have hoped for, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BY MAKING A C#NT OF YOURSELF, BUT TRY LEGALLY FIRST!!!! good luck, what about another stealer instead of your local?

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Thanks lads... yes keep it coming.

    I am busting my arse here today to get work done so I can get into the shed and try and true the front up. I will take it for a spin and let you know. Hopefully it will be good news!! :)
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

     OK here is an update.

    Today a mate and I pulled the front end to pieces and have some very interesting information.  Firstly there are not 4 Fork Clamps on this beast.  There are only 2 lower clamps.  The top of the forks are actually held on to the top of the trees by the fork caps themselves.  So we tried loosening everything but was unable to achieve any difference.  In fact, could not even get anything to move!!
    There is no way the forks could be at different lengths, because the screw down onto the top tree!!  :(
    So back to the drawing board!!
  • DaveP
    14 years ago
    How did the steering head bearings feel? Notchy or tight? If not did you hold the forks and rock at the triple trees to see if there was movement?
  • bogan
    14 years ago

    What a load of bull SHIT....................................

  • Sparra
    14 years ago

    I don't suppose you know someone with a fatty the same that you could swap front wheels with and see if that makes a difference...

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Yep... Right now I am far from happy.

    Look - To be fairdinkum, the bike handles just fine. I can't tell that it is pulling to the left when I ride, so I suppose "technically" it is not a big deal. But I KNOW it is not right, and it's eating away at me... So now I m stuck with either trying to live with it, or go through the pain of trying to get it fixed.

    as I said I will call around tomorrow and see what others have to say.
  • rider
    14 years ago

    The plot thickens,,, at least the fork height question is eliminated.

    Quote " When we had everything loose... we could not get anything moving at all. Nothing would budge." end quote.

    Sounds weird, did you have the stem nut loosened as well?

    (with the height fixed, it's basically just a matter of aligning the handle bars and triple tree with the front axle)

    Can you determine what is out of line, the fender or the wheel?

    It also sounds weird if the wheel is spaced off center,,,if the wheel is off center to the right, the bike would tend to want to lean to the left.

    (just a thought, the front wheel ever been off,,, and is it possible to refit it with the left and right wheel spacers on the wrong sides?

    [caliper would have to be a full floater])

    Another quick and easy check you could do is to see if both front and rear wheels are both vertical to the frame. Bike upright on lifter and simply place an inclinometer on both disc surfaces and comparing the readings. OR, even simpler, drop a plumb bob from the top edge of each tyre and compare any gap at the bottom if any.

    Also found this web site about "Wheel alignment made simple" that will interest you. It gives a good insight.





  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Thanks Rider.

    That doco seems reasonable. I might see what I can do with that.

    T least if I have some sort of evidence that something is fucked, I can go hard at them.

    I'm away for a couple of days now, but will look at it again when I get back. Funny enough, I will be on the bike. :)

    Cheers mate
  • 308bever
    14 years ago

    what`s bullshit bogan?

  • Nightrider
    14 years ago
    Well done for trying to sort it yourself.


    You bought a new bike that is not as described, they need to fix it thats the law.

    The more you try and fix it yourself the more the dealer can say you have screwed it up yourself.

    If you don't succeed in fixing it you may have to take it to a dealer or mechanic anyhow.

    The dealer stands to cop a huge ass fine if you complain against him for telling you lies.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

    If we insist on our consumer rights this stuff will happen less.

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Hi Fellas,

    OK... so since I last posted I called a couple of other HD dealers and I don't know whether they all go to the same meeting and share customer complaints, but the three dealers I have called have all toed the same line! Completely normal and nothing to worry about.

    So now I am going to hit up HD Head Office and see what they say.

    This is a complete FUCKUP!

    OH YEAH... Nearly forgot.  One dealer told me that the factory acceptable limit is.... if you can correct it with upper body weight, it's fine!

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Spoke with HD Australia and the guy was very cautious to admit anything. I even asked for a straight out yes or no answer to "Should the bike pull to the left??" He would not answer that and asked if I would be able to get the bike back to the dealer at a given time and have the District Manager ride the bike. I have agreed to that (2 hour round trip) but at least it is still open, because as far as the dealer is concerned, it's a closed case.

    So now I am waiting for a call back from the dealer (in the next few days) to arrange a time to get the bike back in. No doubt the dealer will have the shits that I went above them - but frankly, I don't give a fuck. They have my $32,000 and I want a bike that rides like it should.

    I will keep you posted. The District Manager might be down here for a while, so not sure when it will happen. What I should have told HD Aus is that I want it on the record that I riding this bike, and that they know about it, and if it turns out dangerous and I stack, it will be on their head. Maybe then he would get down here quicker.

  • V2Evo96
    14 years ago

    If the dealer cracks it with you for pulling rank, tell them it was their job to escalate your complaint to HD Australia and cuz they wouldnt do it-- you did it for them.

    Now that HD Oz is involved via the district manager you should see some action. The district mgr has the authority to direct the dealer to perform warranty work paid to the dealer by HD Oz (in a discretionary manner) through direct liaison with HD Oz.

    Good luck. Your next port of call (which should be through the dist. HD Oz) is HD USA technical support group.


  • AJ56
    14 years ago
    FFS you shouldn't have to go through hoops to get something fixed on a bike under warranty. Mongrel keep at em, if they won't admit there is a problem even after riding the bike then let them know you will be escalating it higher. Also it might be worth getting it looked from an engineering side. See if the frame is twisted or something. Might cost a bit of money but HD should then repay the costs coz they should have fixed the bloody thing in the first place.

    Ref the other dealers they are probably under direction to tow the line no matter what the issue is. And I agree with you regarding have an accident, the insurance company would look at the bike and if it was determined that there was an issue with the frame or steering they may not cover you. The HD would be in all sorts of problems regarding being sued due to failure to rectify a fault. Look at Toyota in US with accelerator issues, costing them millions now because they stuck their heads in the sand and wouldn't admit liability. Dealers have access to this thread so they knew you were coming as well......
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    RED - The last time I took it to the dealer they had if for a couple of hours and then took it for a test ride. They told me the wheel alignment was out but only just. Said they fixed it and that the rest was normal.

    Thing is... The first day I rode the bike home I called the dealer and told them I did not think the front end looked straight. They said it might be just the bars and they would have a look when I was back in town. So a week later I take it back and the dealer tries to tell me it is an optical illusion as the tanks are not symmetrical, and could be making it look like it is out of square.

    It is now just getting to the point where I am fed up, and one of two things will happen. I will put up with it, or fuck it off and buy a Japa.

    4 Japas - never an issue.
    1 HD - its all turned to the shit!

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Thanks Pete! I will keep you all posted.
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    WELL FUCK ME!! I thought I had heard it all!!

    Now the guy from Harley Australia refuses to test ride my bike because.... Are you sitting down... The Big Radius Pipse are against OH&S rules! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

    He said the only way he will ride it is to take it back to stock.

  • DaveP
    14 years ago
    Mate I hate to say it but thats why I hinted at changing the pipes back afterr trying everything possible yourself, I could see this type of response coming. The other thing I hate to say as its going to cost $$$'s is to get it a custom specialist workshop and leave it with them until sorted and then send HD the bill, or you could sell it and start again. Shitty options given its should be covered under warranty.

    To be realistic though, you are going to have to be the really noisey wheel and keep escelating through HD and the Motor Vehicle Authorities until someone takes notice.

    oh how things have changed over the years with HD Service Delivery.