Online: conmore

Are they telling me stories?

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    You might remember that I had an issue with my 2010 Fatboy pulling to the left.  I asked the HD dealer to look at it and he told me there was nothing wrong with it.


    I have again called them today as I am not happy.  If I have my hands off the bars any longer than 1 second and I would be in the gutter.


    SO... today I called the dealer and they have told me that because I have taken the stock pipes off and installed the VnH Radius, that I have upset the lateral balance.  Is this right?


    They are going to have a look at it today for me and check the wheel alignment, but they reckon there is probably not a lot that can do.


    Your thoughts?

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    That is what I thought - but thought I would put it out there for comment!
  • Daggs
    14 years ago

    No that's true. I put short shots on and now my bike does stoppies every time I apply the front brake

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Well there may be some truth to it though when you think about it. If you take the heavy stock pipes off and put a light set of pipes on, it may upset the lateral balance. But I don't know if it would do it enough to make it pull left as hard as it does.
  • DaveP
    14 years ago
    So did it do it before you changed pipes? that should answer your question. how bout putting the old pipes on and trying.
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    I don't know mate - I changed them within a few kms of getting the bike. :(

    I could do that... but that would be a pain!!!
  • DaveP
    14 years ago
    might be better than paying someone a lot of money to tell you more crap.
  • rider
    14 years ago


    As Hilly said, it's a load of bullshit.


    How many Harleys have had the pipes changed and how many have problems?


    If they align the bike correctly it will track straight, and if the triple tree is set up correctly it won't pull or lean to either side.


    Worst case scenario;  If the above doesn't sort the problem out, then your looking at checking the frame/head alignment for a possible twisted frame.


    (not as bad as it may sound because if you know what you're doing, a slight twist can actually be compensated for by counter setting the forks/ triple tree, but,

    In the case of a twisted frame, this method is only second best to aligning the frame/head correctly.)

    14 years ago
    2007 fatboy...5 sets of different pipes..16" apes,1.75" T-bars rolls straight as a die top speed,low speed no hands....take them pipes off and bash them in the fucken head with them and see how straight they walk soon after

  • rider
    14 years ago


    Yep,Yep, Yes, your right,,,   

    I'm making the mistake of assuming that on a 2010 machine that the head bearings have been installed correctly and are in good condition and correctly pre-loaded, the rear wheel is or will be aligned, and the tyres are OK.

  • Hound_Dog
    14 years ago
    They are bullshitting big style. Typical really, not wanting to take responsibility ( read $$$) for warranty stuff.
  • biff61
    14 years ago

    Sounds to me that it's not just your bike that's pulling....

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Ok Lads here is an update.

    Took it to the dealer. He took it for a ride and stated that indeed it did pull left, so he said he would re-align it. About an hour later he comes out and tells me that he re-aligned the rear wheel, and took it for a ride. Said it still pulls left, and that there is nothing that can be done.

    So I started heading home, and indeed it pulls left. It feels like it actually leans left.

    Anyways... I thought I would stop and seek a second opinion, and went to a custom bike builder. This guy builds frames and bikes and works on HDs all the time, so I thought he would be the best to ask.

    When I explained the situation and finished the details, he looked at me and said... I know how to fix that... "Don't let go of the bars" FUCK!!

    He said that he is not surprised that it pulls left. He said most HDs don't track straight!!


    So now I am fucked, because I know this aint right, but the ONLY fucking HD dealer reckons there is nothing that can be done.

    BUT in all of this... I reckon it is in the front end. When I ride straight and look down at the trees, the down look straight. Everything looks like it is pointing slightly right. Then when I let go of the bars and everything lines up, it pulls left! GRR!!

    So guys... I am at your mercy now on how to fix this shit!

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Ando - I know what they will say...
    "Put the stock pipes and air kit back on - as we sold it to you and then come back and see us"

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago


    It is a double edged sword. If they knew how to fix it, they would have. So do I really want people scratching their head over my bike trying to fix it. OR Do I gather the necessary information I need and fix it myself. I have a complete workshop full of tools and have wrenched the crap out of bikes all my life. I just don't have the knowledge of how these buggers work... but no time like the present to learn.  <img src=" border="0" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif" />

  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago

    Hi Pete,

    It's a 2 hour round trip from here. <img src=" border="0" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif" />

  • Nightrider
    14 years ago
    I have posted some extracts from the ACCC website.
    I work in retail and HD is basically a retail business.
    What they are telling you is total bollocks.
    I would firmly but politely tell them that the motorcycle has an issue which is a safety issue and it is up to them to rectify it or you are entitled to have it fixed at no charge to yourself. If they cant fix it then refund/ replacement is the next option.
    You can call the ACCC to tell them your exact situation and they will tell you what action you can take.
    I would also contact HD Australia.

    There is no law against doing work on your own bike. HD are not obliged to cover you warranty wise if anything done by a non registered mechanic causes an issue with the bike.
    If all you have done is installed V and H pipes which a lot of dealers install then they cannot claim they affect the handling and steering issue as the pipes are not directly related to handling / steering.
    As mentioned it is highly likely to be headstem/ tyres /wheel alignment/ maybe even belt tension any number of things.

    Below is the ACCC rules pre JAn 1 2011 they have changed a little since Jan 1.

    I think I have been misled—what can I do?
    Any claims or representations made by a business must be accurate and truthful. If you think a business has been dishonest, exaggerated the truth, or created a misleading impression, then you should report your concerns. You may not be the only consumer affected.


    Good sold before 1 January 2011 came with a number of conditions and warranties that were implied by the TPA.

    These goods must be:

    of merchantable quality—that is, goods need to reach a basic level of quality given the price of the goods and any description that is provided with the goods
    fit for the purpose or job that the consumer described to you or that are self-evident
    match any description or sample given to the consumer whether in promotional material, over the phone, in person, on a website or on labelling or packaging
    are free from defects and faults.
    These goods mustn't have any debt or financing owed on them, i.e. the consumer should have free title to the goods.

    If the goods you have sold do not fulfil any of these conditions then the consumer may be entitled to a refund from you on return of the goods. If the goods have been partially consumed the consumer may be entitled to a refund depending on the circumstances and the extent to which the goods have been consumed.

    Consumers may also choose an alternative remedy to a refund. In these circumstances you may want to offer an exchange, a credit note or to repair the goods.

    You have the right to ask for proof of purchase from the consumer, for example, a receipt or credit record.

    You are not obliged to provide a refund, credit or exchange if a consumer has:

    changed their mind, decided they no longer want the goods or just don’t like them, or found that goods are the wrong size or colour
    found they can buy the same or similar goods elsewhere for a cheaper price
    examined goods before buying them and should have seen any fault at that time
    had a defect drawn to their attention before they purchased goods, for example, when goods are clearly labelled as seconds or faulty.
    Is there a time limit for refunds?
    A customer needs to approach you regarding a refund in what is called ‘a reasonable period of time’. There is no specific time limit for a refund. A reasonable period of time is determined by a court based on the goods, their use and any other relevant information. Statutory time limits in various state and territory legislation for an action for breach of contract are also relevant.

    Can I claim compensation from a manufacturer or importer?
    Where goods have breached a statutory warranty or condition, you have the right to claim compensation from a manufacturer or importer.
  • the_mongrel
    14 years ago
    Rider - Thanks mate. That is the sort of guidance I need. They reckon the did the rear wheel alignment today, so IF I can take their word for it, it is aligned. Is there a way I can easily check?

    Having read your post above, I can pull that off no problem. I have a bike lift, so should not be a problem.

    The front end definitely does not look plumb! When I ride a straight line it looks like the front end is pointing to the right. Even the headlight looks like it is slightly looking right - so your explanation above would make sense as if the front end was slightly twisted.

    I will hopefully be able to get out there tomorrow and give it a go. I reckon it only needs a tweak.

    Thanks for your help. I will let you know how I go.

  • rider
    14 years ago


    You're onto it, good stuff.


    I've used this method with nearly every bike I've had and it works for me.


    Incidentally,  last machine was a 2010 FXDWG and yep, pulled to the left straight off the showroom floor,,, problem,,, the right fork was set 250 thou higher in the trees than the left, you got it, a whole 1/4 inch difference on a brand spanker,,,, it pulled to the left alright !

    Spose I've just got used to the incompetence and inexperience of Stealers. Easier and best to do the job meself.

  • shaggz
    14 years ago
    when ya get up in the morning and throw ya jocks on tuck yaself in to the right instead of the left and see if that fixes the balance