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New install 2008 Night Train

  • lapua
    16 years ago

    Hi guys I have been quoted $3000  to fit and supply ,arness air filter kit /PC 3  plus $30 for a map and V&H stag/longshots on a new 2008 HD night train .then I'll run the bike in and come back for a dino tune and re map at extra costs.

    If I supply the part they will charge me $175 per hr.


    Is there a better way ??







  • sophtayl
    16 years ago

    you are getting led up the garden path with this pricing. the "Map" is readily available on the net from Power commander ( unless they have built a map from Dyno work). Even then, they would be better served to load their preferred map and keep you as a customer.

    at $175/ hr, they are almost double the local HD dealer hourly rate.

    I suggest doing some more homework ( which is what you are doing here ;) )



  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago

    what the others have said lapua...

    Look up MorePowerRacing in US... best pricing for V&H and Power Comander...

    Do some research on the PCIII... there are now two varients, one is GREEN and the other RED lable... green is for likes of California and the other says for 'Race use Only'... I have the RED as you can complete full map whereas the GREEN is only 50%+ throttle and above 2500RPM...

    I'm away interstate tomorrow so PM me and we can have a chat and i will provide phone details

  • Beef
    16 years ago

    Sounds a bit expensive to me.  As a guide I paid around $1000 for the PC3 (incl fitting of unit and ness sucker) with nearly 4 hours of dyno time.  i installed slip-ons myself.

  • travelling2008
    16 years ago
    Hi Lapua,the price of Vance and Hines have dropped in oz and i believe that price you got quoted is way over the top.I actually got quoted for my lowrider for the same setup a price of $2400.00 that included fitting and dyno.
    I don't know whom gave you the quote,but a $175.00 a hour for labour is just plane robbery.I really think you would be better off buying your parts separate and then get someone else to fit them and then pay for a dyno at anywhere except for the dudes whom quoted you a $175.00 per hour.
  • GREG
    16 years ago
    yep, get em from the states and have a go at fitting them yourself. If ya dont have the tools, I'm sure there would be a forum member in Perth that would give you a hand. Then Dyno at your lesure.
  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    16 years ago
    Lapua. Thats a whole lotta cash to be payin for what youre gettin. We can custom make a set of pipes, supply a fuelshot unit and a big sucker and with freight itd still be a whole lot less than that. And no need for dyno tuning.
  • lapua
    16 years ago
    Hi guys I thank all those that replied it's been a great lot of info posted regarding the my post and yes to those who thought it was supercycles that quoted me the $3000 .

    I thought those guys where good on their pricing that's why I went to see them but not now thanks to all you good folks out there ! I am keen to find a good HD tech that does private work please drop me a line here or PM and will go from there ,frasers nor supercycles will not get to any see any of my money since they do not play fair.


    lapua (Perth)
  • lapua
    16 years ago

    gmeikle  I won't ask mate !  :)    I did a search on Stuart Fyfe, "American Restorations nothing comes up ?

    Wondering if Stu is still in biz ???







  • lapua
    16 years ago
    Found stu number via white pagers.



  • lapua
    16 years ago
    I gave Stu a call and he sound like the right chap to do biz with hr rate is good too !

