Perth Horrie Miller Drv?

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago


    These were posted on another forum I am a member of...

    I didn't see it, but my sister works for AVIS car hire and a colleague saw a rider go down round a corner. bike slid out and rider into a light pole. There wasn't much left of the rider.. the remains were covered with a blanket by the AVIS bloke.

    I heard about this from a work colleague of mine - he was close enough to see a flash of bike and a cloud of dust and thats about it - apparently he was moving pretty fast.

    Media Report Here


  • Bobtail
    16 years ago
    Round a bouts are a pain in the bloody arse, they are mostly off camber, cars going around them spill fuel/oil etc and a lot of drivers don't know how to negotiate them. I aproach them with alot of caution on the bike. We have a number of them in our district (Mandurah) and a lot of them have great big stone walls in the centre with a hefty tree or post in the middle as well, not at all friendly if you come to grief.