I took my FATBOB to SWHD on friday for the initial service and mentioned to them that the mirrors vibrate a lot, so much so that you can hardly make anything out in them. They checked the mirror mounts, risers and tripple tree for tightness but no change. The tech told me when I collected it that the front engine mount may be shot, but he siad it looked ok. Said to bring it back if it got worse and have the front engine mount changed under warranty. I went for a run to Mundijong for lunch at a mates place yesterday and when I got home I had another look at the front mount and it looks like it's jagged tears all around it. I will be calling SWHD to change it out in the near future.
Has any one else had problems with excesivley vibrating mirrors and their front engine mount?
Thanks Bob
Yep my mirrors did the same thing. plus I had a bad vibration when going down in the gears and Frasers replaced the front engine mount under warranty all good now.
had my engine mount replaced by Frasers as well.... not guys that one of the biggest problems related to the engine mount is getting oil on the mount when changing filter. This breaks the compound down and stuff the mount!!!
double vision uncle ho
Bob, what did they sting ya for the first service?
Had my front engine mount go after 1500km on an 07 Street Bob. Changed out under warrantee. Just wonder if HD are going to re-design the mount to stop the problem.