Online: conmore

Police Taking Photo's

  • Crowy
    14 years ago
    I remember them doing this at Gold Coast bike week once.

    I don't know shit from from clay,
    But i was told is was for a new computer recognition program they have.

    Say if you go threw a red-light camera ect and it dosn't get your plate no,
    it matches your bike to your helmit to your jacket ect.

    But that's just hear-say
  • Crowy
    14 years ago
  • fastapastor
    14 years ago
    The council local laws lady took a photo of my dog on the footpath and sent me a fine. I'm asking her to prove it's my dog. They say it's evidence, she didn't take a photo of the tag or catch the dog. These people are getting lazier and trying to pin stuff on us to get our money, just slack...
  • fastapastor
    14 years ago
    In Qld when you go to legal aid online it says your not aloud to take photos of kids in public or of peoples houses? Nothing about motor vehicles.
  • Dicey
    14 years ago
    Wow is that in SA?? It looks like Nazi Germany down there except instead of brown shirts they have fluro yellow ones.