Hi Hogman,
Sounds good to me, ya might want to copy this thread to "organise a ride" theres a few replys there re the Guilderton ride.
It looks as I might not be able to make this one.
My older daughter is running a half marathon on that day and i have to be her support crew.
If you give more details, I may be able to catch up on the way later on.
Hi guys, looks like the weather is going to be cold, wet, and blustery this will separate the men from the fair weather riders
Ho, if the weather is as predicted I wont be bringing my trusty camera, sorry about that
Cya all sunnyday
soooooo... what time we leaving Kelmscott??? I'm thinking around 9:15am..... need my beauty sleep
Ah, Ehm, the concrete in the truck is not going off quick enough Billywhizz,
Don't think I'll venture out in the current weather situation
After all we are supposed to be having fun in the sun with the occasional shower
what is it about you guys.... went to the Kelmscott meet point only to find I was on my lonesome .....
talk about extremes after yesterdays great day
I went with my daughter to the Perth half marathon run (she was running - not me, I'm not stupid, besides I would be dead after first 100 m)
The rain did not stop till 12:00, so I'm sitting in front of comp, heater is on, drinking JD and wondering why Noit is moving to Victoria? Isn't this weather an every day occurence there?
I was exhausted after seeng all those people run 21 ks, why???
What we need is a dry weather, we've got plenty of time
the little shit back again , tryed to make it this morning but i'm still not used to wet weather and what a bloody day to try hopefully we can get some good weather soon and try again . some the other rides that was talked about sound good
have to take every opportunity... (a good mate of mine that I've known for some 22 years passed away yesterday ----- aged 54)
No ride but now got a farking clean scooter hope this works
I'm sure that the wee demon Daz goes out just to give us the shits
I needed a pontoon just to get to my shed today.
Nice ride ya got there Mainey.
Hi Ho, I think that the sun shines on our dazza whether he goes because rain would rust his balls, prob doesn't shower for that reason as well
better to drink latte than to jiggle some tea bags whilst eating quiche... at a well known shop/meet point
Don't take any notice of the wee gnome demon daz HO, hes jelous of your legend status and posting shit to get there himself.