Proposed changes to Queensland motorcycle laws

  • Purnong
    15 years ago

    Howdy Rt

    There is some scary stuff being talked about in that discussion paper, Especially relating to Bike/Rider identification for speeding,  RFID's, Front number plates,,   FFS

    The separate licence fee's for having a Mc licence suck as well, You already pay for a licence and that should cover all vehicles, What next, separate fee for truck drivers? Towing a trailer/caravan?

    The only thing I agreed with is lifting the 250cc restriction in favor of power to weight ratio, We all know there are some 250's out there capable of very high speeds and it's a mockery of that restriction

    I would encourage everyone on here to read the proposals and do the survey in the links RT provided, All you need to complete it is a QLD postcode

    What was the postcode of Cairns or Brisbane you say?  Google is your friend

    Hell I might even do the survey again tonight, What's the postcode of Rockhampton again?

  • way out bush
    way out bush
    15 years ago

    survey completed.  Thanks for the heads up