Change to Who's Online

  • kingchops
    16 years ago

    Some people may have noticed that the "Who's Online" names are now displayed regardless of whether you're logged in or not.

    I made this change because thousands of people use this site without registering and I thought it would encourage more people to register if they could see that there are people online.

    16 years ago
    kc i notice that when i go to the bar a beer sometimes comes up beside my name and sometimes dosen't. is it possible to have the beer symbol beside everybody who is in the bar whether they are partisipating or not.
  • kingchops
    16 years ago

    I did have the beer glass thing working perfectly but I had to make changes to the who's online because it was crashing the site. Ever since that change the beer glass isn't working right. I know what the problem is and I will fix it when I get some time to work on it. Aint that the age old problem.
    16 years ago
    thanks kc, we appreciate every thing youve done hear. good job. next time im in sa or your in wa luv to shout you an ale or three.