Liquorland Coles

  • apatchie
    16 years ago

    I know this isn't directly HD but what the phark;

    Liquorland (luv the name)  Have Bundy and Jonnnie mixers on special ends today Sunday if you miss out the price will double+ on Monday due to the new tax, so I was told by the wonderful young lady at Coles.



  • wildgoose71
    16 years ago

    It's a typical bullshit tax grab.


    I don't give a fuck if teenagers are getting on the piss - so long as they're not fucking crackheads.


    Meanwhile kids who can't afford to buy piss, purchase record quantities of crystal meth.


    Another brilliant move by yet another clueless fucking moron pretending to be a leader.

  • wildgoose71
    16 years ago

    Diplomacy is for politicians that have already failed and are trying to look like they succeeded.

    Australia used to be a pretty laidback country but we are now becoming a classic nanny state where the government tells people what they can and can't do - to the point of stupidity.

    The current and previous government have abused the tax system as a punitive measure when that was never it's intended purpose.

    Taxes were never supposed to be used for social engineering, they were introduced to pay for roads, police, military, education & health. Yet our once shining example of a health system is now in disarray.

    I have a mate that works as a male nurse in an emergency ward and he is regularly assaulted by crack-heads - yet the emphasis is on booze.

    Why? Because they can tax it...