Online: Hilly

why did i even bother ?

    14 years ago

    put the beloved heritage on the web yesterday for sale .... so far 7 , YES 7 , FARKIN numbnuts trying the ol paypal scam on me me the shits that these mongrels live to feed off the hard earned of others .  

    rant over

  • AJ56
    14 years ago
    Well at least you are aware of it...
  • robert65
    14 years ago
    They are a bunch of low lifes.what gets me how they set up ebay accounts and when ya do abuse them they get all upset about it.
    I seen on ACA the other week the reporter had one rounded up and asked why he does this , he was full of apologies and said he promised he wouldn't do it again he said he didn't realise he was doing anything wrong . WHAT A FUCKEN WANKER ! and what is worse is that he is still walking the streets. why can't he be caught and arrested and even better sent back to his low life scumbag country ?
  • kiteman
    14 years ago

    I think the web is probably a good place to sell your bike. Clearly, you are not dumb enough to fall for bullshitters. I used and was very happy with the $50 that I spent. Where did you advertise yor bike?



    14 years ago
    i was thinkin something witty ........ maybe even inviting him over for a cup of tea to discuss the finer points of his generous offer
  • kiteman
    14 years ago


    I understand you're pissed off but just hang tight for a while. I didn't get any of the crap that you're getting.


    14 years ago
    hey for a laugh i got one of them to offer 33k

    read this from botom up

    I will offer you 33000 AUD. So i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay. Get back to me with the details below :

    PayPal Email address
    Cell Phone No.:

    Once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment. I will need your home address for the item to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company..

    Have a nice day.

    On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Dan te wrote:

    As advised , I have already got offer , but would be willin to break the deal with the other fellow if you come up with $32,000AUS Send through $1000 holding deposit to confirm your acceptance of price

    Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 09:17:12 +0000
    Subject: Re: 2007 Heritage FLSTC , great opportunity , lots extras 170469253235


    I'm satisfied with the condition of the item. I will be paying you through PayPal( which is a fast, safe and reliable method of payment.. And i will take care of all Shipment Preparations for the vehicle to my home in :

    Name : Mikey Miller
    Address : 226 Liberty Glen Loop,
    City : St. Cloud
    State : Minnesota
    Zip-Code : 56304
    Country : United States

    Email me with the actual price you are willing to sell the item.

    Please Advice.

    On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Dan te wrote:

    i have had an offer of 26k already ??? go figure . expecting the fellow to arrange payment today

    Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 18:54:51 +0000
    Subject: 2007 Heritage FLSTC , great opportunity , lots extras 170469253235

    Just viewed your listing and will like to purchase it.
    Do you still have this item available up for sale? Payment will be through PayPal and the pick up will be arranged. kindly send me more details about the condition of the item.Thanks and will be looking forward to read from you soon.
  • kiteman
    14 years ago

    I just did a search on Google for "paypal fraud" and I'm still searching through thousands of pages of rip-offs!!! Try this one:

    It's not the same as your problem but has a similar theme to it.

    Good luck mate!


    14 years ago
    current scorecard after 2 days

    10 scumbags trying to rip me off
    0 legitimate enquiries

    14 years ago
    just amuzing myself ..........

    "hi there Richard

    i would have to separate some of the parts off the bike for this price incl, wheels , frame, motor , tins , bags and seat. if that is ok let me know


    Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 02:13:51 +0100
    Subject: 2007 Heritage FLSTC 170469253235

    Hello mate! I will like to know more about the conditions of this bike, as i am interested in buying it for $12,950 AUD Payment will be made through my online paypal credit account and pick up will be arranged.. let me know if you accept my offer..
  • vener2pp
    14 years ago
    Name : Mikey Miller
    Address : 226 Liberty Glen Loop,
    City : St. Cloud
    State : Minnesota
    Zip-Code : 56304
    Country : United States

    That guy wanted to buy a car from Estonia, Chrysler 300c It's like 2 times cheaper in america.


    I'm satisfied with the condition of the vehicle

    Looks familiar?

    also Mikey Miller turned out to be Thoms Matins and the same deal with the shipping agent and that stuff. He has mistakes in his e-mails that American would never make and he sent me e-mails in Estonian translated with Google translate. Despite I even mentioned that we should use English.
  • vener2pp
    14 years ago
    Name : Mikey Miller
    Address : 226 Liberty Glen Loop,
    City : St. Cloud
    State : Minnesota
    Zip-Code : 56304
    Country : United States

    That guy wanted to buy a car from Estonia, Chrysler 300c It's like 2 times cheaper in america.


    I'm satisfied with the condition of the vehicle

    Looks familiar?

    also Mikey Miller turned out to be Thoms Matins and the same deal with the shipping agent and that stuff. He has mistakes in his e-mails that American would never make and he sent me e-mails in Estonian translated with Google translate. Despite I even mentioned that we should use English.