Dyna owners unite.

  • bullet
    17 years ago

    thanks stix ill look into it im about to fit saddle bags with moon brackets and a sissy bar rack and do some 2 up touring so i need to do something cause ill smash the sump if i dont!!

  • bullet
    17 years ago


    thanks that is expensive but ill definatly have a look at them

  • vladt
    17 years ago

    Thanx Stix.
    This will make a part of my next order to Zanotti.
    By the way, the Arlen Ness mirrors look quite small. Are they still useful as mirrors?

  • bullet
    17 years ago

    i fitted a set of hagan nitro's.. beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bullet
    17 years ago
    i would but i cant get photo bucket to work its annoying the crap out of me
  • bullet
    17 years ago


  • bullet
    17 years ago



  • Purnong
    16 years ago

    Lookin good mate, Was keen to see one of these pulled apart

    You going into the cam chest? would love to see piccies of that coming apart

    Keep up the good work

  • Purnong
    16 years ago

    No worries mate, Don't open it up just for me

    Speaking of cams, I was looking at the Andrews 21H for mine just to get rid of the stocky shit thing

    I was looking just for a nice running street bike and not a drag monster

    Any opinions on these?

  • Purnong
    16 years ago

    Cheers Karl

    yeah I have been reading some good things about the 54's just not sure yet on what I want

    Hate to run out of puff at 4,000 rpm's though

  • Purnong
    16 years ago

    Nice work on the write up and the pics Stix

    Pretty basic motor still eh, not a real lot different in principal to my old shovel

  • Purnong
    16 years ago

    Better off doing yourself Stix, At least you know it's done right

    They aint that complicated, Never worked on a newey but looking at your pics apart from the TC and EFI theyre not a lot different

    16 years ago

    Sittin here readin and lookin at some very interesting photos and info, thanks Stix. Looks like the bike stays where it belongs for the next 2 weeks. In the kitchen or family room . Just work around it Darlin

    16 years ago

    i do remember with the GMR rollers they needed a bit more taken out , now im not sure if it was because i am running R&R heads or not

    16 years ago




    not from rc cycleschack there from GMR , well worth the $$$$$ on ur 107 , u no wat my numbers are with the heads/hp t body and the 585gs :)))))))))))))) getting another dyno done as soon as the weather is good to do the 100k ride there , im interested to see the differance with the D&D and karls large injectors

  • dynamagic
    16 years ago
    Hey guys , i'm a dyna rider , 2006 , superglide , 88cubes , ive just purchased a set of LA CYCLES HEADS ( shop out of sydney , cow would be the magic man )with over size valves, and have been flowed , barrels and pistons that have been squished to take comp up to 10.25 : 1, putin a set of 570 s&s cams and thundermax efi manegment system , pipes ill just go a set of tapered turbos , would someone tell me how the fuck you put pictures on this site , cheers mick
  • andij
    16 years ago
    mick u probably need better exhaust ,wat aircleaner u got .ihad tc88 early model ,with similar set up but 585gear cams , ask for feed back on exhaust ,2in1 systems work better with your set up stix and karl have been down this road before.
  • andij
    16 years ago
    you guys make me laugh ,we have the best humor in the west ,wozza eat your heart out ,we should all go to sturgis together with our bikes ,maybe thy dont have unilateral agreement on demerit points wiyh australia,just a few fines and keep our licences ..back to dynas ,black supertrapp looks ok ,but i have to agree them d@d are hard to beat
    16 years ago

    just remember them der RR heads have raised inlets , u might need a SS air setup , sure KARL has explained it all to ya , mmmmmmmmmmmm u wont be disapointed
