Overpriced and not at all 'original'. If you bought this for $3500 or $4000 you'd have some change to make it a bit less cliched, or if you like this style then something close to the starting price as the max. In my opinion, anyway.
I agree it is priced on the high side, and has been advertised for the last two years at least.
If wanting something original this one has wrong bars, seat, pipes, instruments, piant job etc. If wanting a Cafe style then maybe it hits someones mark? cheers Don
I guess you could try to bargain it down a bit, if it's been sitting there that long. It's certainly been around for most of this year that I know of. If you wanted to make it original, it's close to being all there (can't get mufflers for them, but everything else is available, and they did come with a single instrument option). On the down side, for originality, the motor has been painted black, which I personally don't mind. And on the up side, it has the good 'knuckle-head'engine (yeah, I know, but that's what they call them), which is shorter stroke than the previous 350s, has bigger valves and runs cooler to boot. Same as mine. So, if you want a Sprint, this looks to be mechanically a good one, just with 'interesting' cosmetics. Cafe it? Yeah, maybe. Why not. Or restore. Personally, I like an older look, which I think I posted here after I put mine back together. I'll add another pic to give you an idea, though.
It is also possible to still get very good reproduction mufflers etc. These are what I used on my 73 Sprint, not cheap but I wanted an original as possible look when I restored the wreck I had.
regards Don
I stand corrected - you can get mufflers!
Well, it seems to have sold with one bid of $5000.
Was just taking a look back at this one that was for sale a while ago:-
Take a close look at the section of the frame that runs under the seat, all the other 73/74 SS350's Ive seen have this section virtually dead straight, this one seems to kick downwards towards the rear.
Bent frame??
I am still searching for one if anybody has one or knows of one for sale.
Recently put 600k's on mine, just as much dirt as bituman and this little bike really surprised me - went very well and loved the experience
There was one listed on Ebay this week, but nobody bid on it, they have relisted it now. Also dropped the price by $1000 bucks
There's two currently on Ebay, one starting at $5000 and the other just under $6000. Top dollar for a starting price. Still, I've seen them higher. Very happy with mine - sweet little bike.
The 71model in Taree looks good. Pity I'm looking for a 73/74 model.
The search continues...
Before shot, after big clean.
'After' shot. Still neds rims re-chromed, but otherwise pretty sweet. My mate Guy recently acquired a 73 Sprint, but with a round headlight anly no tacho as standard. Needs quite a bit of tidying up, but it's all there but for one side cover, so should come good in the end.
Hi all .. stumbled across this thread
I'm in Perth . Just bought a 74 ss sprint, 74 ? ss175 and a road race frame for the sprint .. origin unknown
The Sprint is very tidy, previous owner must have spent considerable money on it before getting ill but it hasnt run for matbe 15 years. Unfortunately the seems to be very low compression which is a bit of a worry.. appears the motor was rebuilt so hoping its a sticky valve or something.. The 175 is very rough. Have some extra parts for the 175 if anyone needs them ( free.. just cover freight).. tank ,frame, wheels, instruments, assorted crap. Keen to keep in contact with sprint owners in australia. Might post a photo of the bike when I work out how to do it.. along with a photo of the road race frame.. perhaps someone can identify it. looking for some wheels for a 350ss if anyone has got some to sell
cheers Greg
OK .. that wasnt too hard.. i worked out how to add photos.. below is the sprint I bought.. cost $2000 witht he 175 harley, road race sprint frame and assoted spares thrown in the deal. I've got a stock 74 ironhead so thought it would be cute to have a matching set so to speak
Hope theres some sprint guys out there
That looks pretty clean and $2K is an excellent price these days, especially if it's a runner. If you got spares then you have a real bargain. Did you say you also have a road race frame? Woohoo! Classic racing here we come (just need everything else to make it go). Let me know how you progress - I fixed one up a couple of years ago and it's been a lovely little commuter.
hi all
yeh i'm pretty pleased with it although the low compression is a worry. If anyone has any parts out there for sale I would be keen to hear.. wheels etc for road race bike
I see damien?.. has a 750 norton.. i've got a 850, along with a 745 ironhead and a h1 kawasaki.. seems like My son made a doco of a Norton ride i organise each year over here.. did a nice job.. its on you tube Norton ride the Glory days if interested