Online: baldy1450, Hilly

Counting Down

  • Pedro the Swift
    Pedro the Swift
    17 years ago

    Hi Folks,

    The countdown is on; in three days, I should be the very proud owner of one brand spanking new FLHRC Road King Classic - yee ha!  Am I excited?  You betcha!  As soon as I get it, I'll post some piccies so y'all can see what I'm all goin' on about.  In the mean time, here's one I took earlier.

    Pedro the Swift

  • Today
    17 years ago

    Ahhhhhhhhh... the anticipation. Look forward to the pics!!!!!!

  • Hogfather
    17 years ago
    Welcome to the wonderful world of the road king I am sure you will enjoy it>
  • Pedro the Swift
    Pedro the Swift
    17 years ago

    I knew it was too good to be true.  Delivery won't be until next Tuesday (maybe), so I'll just have to cool my heels and wait.  Still, I've taken a peak at my baby, when it was delivered out of its crate.  She's beautiful.  Here's a piccie.  I'll take another when she's all cleaned up.



  • nobody
    17 years ago

    This is just the beginning..............soon it will be "What can I buy for it now"?



  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    So, looks like a restless weekend when you were probably looking forward to putting a few kms on your pride and joy.

    When I ordered the SB last September they told me March 07... then April. Got a call after 6 weeks and said, guess what 'it's here'... You cannot imagine how quickly i moved to transfer funds etc.

    Hope that the wait is not too painful.

  • Pedro the Swift
    Pedro the Swift
    17 years ago
    Talk about an emotional roller coaster. I got a call this morning - "How would you like to pick up your bike tomorrow!!!" Well, is the Pope a Catholic? Sure is where I come from, so it was a quick dash for cash down to the bank and yet another sleepless night in Seattle. Now am I excited? Is the Pope a Catholic? Ah, I already asked that one. I can't think of anything else smart to say, so it's goodnight from me.
  • Pedro the Swift
    Pedro the Swift
    17 years ago
    Sorry! I didn't realise there might be others hanging out for news of my baby. Yes, I brought her home last Friday. I racked up about 400 kms on Monday, and came home and washed her. She's been in the garage ever since. Sadly, I've been too crook to take her out. Anyway, Saturday is looking good for another foray onto the open road. I'll give another longer report on how I find her.
  • 07FXDC
    17 years ago


    Cool bike.

  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    You lucky shit!

    I like the way the Classic King looks. I remember seeing my Springer for the 1st time. It was sweet love!
    When you fire it up for the first time I was hooked. These machines are alive.

    Did you get black?
  • Hoodaman
    17 years ago

    Onya mte.I just got the exact same scoot..I am sure u will love it as mush as i do.  Its hot,showy and got balls.Ur gunna be so happy with it i am       will try to put a pic of mine on

  • Hoodaman
    17 years ago

    got the missus tyo do the detailing stuff.looks just like urs from factory.hope u enjoy