Show us your bike - Touring

  • groover
    13 years ago

    Welcome to the Gentlemans section of the HD Forum

    Your appreciation of riding a Gentlemans Motorcycle will increase over time

    Big weight difference compared to the Rubberglide, hey.

    Big difference in ride quality too.

  • Annie888
    13 years ago

    My FLHTCU Trike ......ain't she perdy!!


  • Deadwood
    13 years ago
    Very very cool, good on ya Annie.
  • robert65
    13 years ago
    looks the goods
  • aussiesport
    13 years ago
    neat :)
  • smeemn
    13 years ago
    Very nice trike,
  • stilllooking72
    13 years ago

    Me and a mate picked this up off a friend who upgraded to a Can am Spyder.

    1993 FLHTCU.

    And next to my Wideglide !

  • grim
    13 years ago
    nice ride--is it classed as an upgrade when you go from a ultra to a spyder?--cheers Grim
  • Cowboy
    13 years ago

    This is my 8th Harley in 40 years...  I was raised in a poor Family..  Started with a 900 Sporster cost me $900, pretty dear $, a kicker, 1969, I chromed the oil tank, rebuit the mill, I chromed fat bob fender, I chromed rocker boxes and othe bits... I built 6" over front end, did it all up, road it for two years and then I got smarter....  My first Shovelhead was the first year of Shovel engine a 1966, jammed into a 57 straight legged rigid frame, 2" spread in downlegs with slugs and plugwelded and filled in frame tube cuts split in half, 10" over Wide Glide front end, Suicide Clutch, and a Jockey shifter.  You could leave the key in it, as no one in my turf could get it off the curb.. Heh he.. 

    Now, 30 some odd years later, I am lucky enough to have a 2011.5 "Big Blue"  as they call it in America, CVO Ultra, FLHTCUSE6... First one on the road in Australia of 6 allocated, 900 built worldwide.  And it is a freak, smooth smooth smooth, freaky fuel economy getting over 400 kms per tank, 110 cu in SE motor, and all the fruit.  Auto locking boxes and forks, cruise control, heated seats and grips, sat nav, LED head lights/ tail lights, modded exhaust, Monster Ovals, and a few other bits..  This is the best I have ever ridden so I took a 5 year HD Warranty with unlimited kms, for about $1400.    A real Long Range machine.   Not a skite, most of you would call it a "Granny Glide", but it is the ducks guts for comfort.. I need the boxes for computer/business needs and of course my Cowboy hat.. Heh he. 

    Thought just out of interest you might like the pictures:




  • stumbly1
    13 years ago
    Nice. So got any pics of your old rigid shovel for the photo section?
  • robert65
    13 years ago
    nice cowboy
  • Rick1310
    13 years ago

    Very nice looking machine congrates

  • Cowboy
    13 years ago

    Thanks Guys...  It is a dream to drive, really.   My 8th Harley in forty years, the best ever, and I am thinking this one is for the long haul..

    Stumbly1, I have seen some pictures in old photo albums.  I might try and scan them for fun to get them on here.  I remember seeing one where I had stuck a set of "Fat Bob" tanks on it for trip, and got my Step Dad (I was adopted) anyway got him to sit on it.. He and the scooter are long gone.    Iron Horse days..  

    I will have to see what  I can dig up and scan with any quality. 

  • kmoulds
    13 years ago

    My 2003 Electraglide Ultra Classic. 136,000 klms and still going strong.

  • Cowboy
    13 years ago

    "Clean Machine"

    Good looking bike.  I do about 15,000 a year, that is about right... 

    Amazing mileage, keep up the good work and enjoy the ride!!!

  • kaboom
    13 years ago

    nice looking bike mate would you mind telling me what you have done to it in 136,000 kl mecanical that is.    ive dine 50,000on r k 96 cube not much trouble  cheers

  • robert65
    13 years ago
    well done on the engine mod bracer .
  • aussiesport
    13 years ago
    top shit bracer :)
  • Kustomtown
    13 years ago

    Recent paint change...
