Show us your bike - Touring

  • Annie888
    14 years ago

    Thanks skin   Thought I'd better have a lady lookin' one  LOL  Black ones are soooo common

  • Moose
    14 years ago
    This one mine. Picked it up 9th December 2010
  • smeemn
    13 years ago
    Came here for a look.These tourers are smart looking bikes.Hope to have one some day.
  • Cowboy
    13 years ago

    Cowboy here, Sushine Coast,

    Have this SESG, V&H, Super Trapp, LEDs all over, race tuner, and more...  Plus CVO passing lights. And She is a keeper.  Short Haul Hot Rod

    Getting this, May shipment, June July Deliver, smaller wheels and fatter tyres, fatter seat, air suspension, auto locking boxes, heaps more comfort but done up about the same with race gear, same motor and windscreen and so on...My  Long Range Cruiser... Izza Haaawg....

  • that guy
    that guy
    13 years ago
  • that guy
    that guy
    13 years ago
  • stumbly1
    13 years ago
    spoilt for choice cowboy! I'd even take the SG for a long distance run
  • Cowboy
    13 years ago

    Hey Stumbly,

    There is actually a lot more in the difference than you might think...  I put in the miles, and the Ultra ride is good for about twice the distance on rutted back country roads.  Like the 19" wheel and skinny rubber on rutted out roads vrs the 17" and double fatter tyre...  I list the differences, having owned both, and why I might switch over permanantly, in the last Post of the Topic: Help for Newbies, Street Glide differences to Ultra Classic, not what I thought...  Mind you, the Street Glide was the only CVO I could get once I decided I liked the 110 cube, hydraulic clutch, and all the other goodies and chrome of the CVO...  It was actually cheaper to buy a CVO that do up my old Ultra by far, better value for $$....  But, until I sell it, it will give patched up Brothers that fly in, a scooter to ride, until I decide.......  Sell or like you say, stay spoilt..  heh he... 

    By the way, nice Road King Heritage Classic above there...   Very nice....


  • that guy
    that guy
    13 years ago
    Thanks Berms,
    Rear is stock, front is a 18 x 3.5 American Wire Wheel 80 spoke tubeless with a Dunlop K177, just added PMI 6-pot calipers onto HD floating rotors plus Progressive gas cartridges into the forks, combo handles way better than stock, very happy with result. Going to upgrade rear wheel & brakes soon, keeping to 16" due to WWW availability.
  • that guy
    that guy
    13 years ago

     Had already upgraded the m/c from stock 9/16" to HD chrome 11/16" + braided lines & floating rotors a couple of years ago, improvement was great using std calipers, no change was required when the 6-pots were added as the 11/16" are all that is required, 12-pots of stopping power is unreal, the lever is firm with little free-play.

  • slup
    13 years ago

    Here my ride, at the moment just enjoying the ride, will be adding more goodies later.

  • Philonrsi
    13 years ago


    I put a pic up before but being a Touring bike I thought I would show my ride in its natural environment FAR FAR AWAY from home.

    We took six days off an rode across the Oxley to Tamworth,then North to Moree. Next stop was Lightning Ridge for two nights. While there we rode up to Hebel Pub, its a classic bush pub.

    After the Ridge we went to Gunnedah for a night then home.



    Hebel Pub.

    Navigator an Chief photographer

  • Kustomtown
    13 years ago

    Some minor changes....wheels and pipes....and just washed.


  • mcgahr
    13 years ago

     Nice and clean KT, what made you change from Alloys to the wires?


  • Kustomtown
    13 years ago
    Hi mate, I didn't like the original wheels and with 2 x 16" wheels, I can get the full white wall, not just the stripe.
  • robert65
    13 years ago
    lookin good geoff . iam puttiing a 19'' rim on the front of mine shortly . still trying to sought out my motor issues.
  • Deadwood
    13 years ago
    Lookin good Kusso, prolly look better with me on it. How's she sound now? Sorta liked the fishtails.
  • Kustomtown
    13 years ago'll hear tomorrow
  • skullster
    13 years ago

    How do you like it I,m thinking of getting one

  • Kustomtown
    13 years ago
    Road King, you mean skulls?