Show us your bike - Dyna

  • Deadwood
    14 years ago
    Handling has gone out the window mate, those shocks aren't built for cornering but I do like the way she sits, especially with those cups and the wide glide front end now. Cheers.
  • potluk
    14 years ago

    Gidday Forum
                       Just putting up a couple of pictures of my lowrider. Since posting pictures last time I have removed the daggy indicators on the levers, I have changed to later model bullet type indicators whith smoked lenses, turned the mirrors over so they look lower and added 11" shocks. ( Many thanks to Deadwood ) Still plenty to do but happy with it at the moment.


  • Deadwood
    14 years ago

    Mate she looks good for an old girl, look even better with that sissy bar and pillion gone. Those shocks look shidot I reckon, brings the rear end down nicely. Good on ya.


    Can I ask a question. Did you do anything to the rear indicators to make them sit straight or are they facing inwards? Have mine in the same place and they face slightly inwards due to the lip on the guard where they are positioned.

  • potluk
    14 years ago

    Thanks Deadwood

    The reason I have left the sissy bar and pillion on are because of the wife and kids. They feel a bit more secure with the sissy bar on and I regularly take my 12 year old son on rides with me. We went out on the weekend to test the shocks out and they worked a treat however I think that if me and wife were on there I may have to change back to the old ones. When I bought the indicators there were no bases for the rears and because someone had drilled two holes for the previous indicators ( there is also another hole for quick release saddlebags ) I wanted to put them back in the existing holes. Went down to Pro-Street and they gave me two Stainless steel spacers that go beetween the guard and the base of the indicators so they sit flat.


  • jimmywildeye
    14 years ago

    Here's my new 2011 FXDB. Haven't done too much yet (apart from ride it as much as humanly possible), just a few basic mods & accessories. V&H Shortshots, SEPST, SE Hi-Flo AC, black fwd controls, HD Willie-G front/back axel covers, HD stealth grips, HD contrast billet cut hand levers, HD rear fender bib, HD Skull fuel caps, HD B&S Horn cover & HD finned derby cover.

    I've been going for a chrome/black contrast look as opposed to fully blacked out. Plenty to do still, but there's too many options and never enough $$$. Can't decide what to do next. Considering Roland Sand Designs Air cleaner and vintage King apes, but there is also temptation for wheels, custom paint or a bigger donk. Anyone out there had Denim black painted? All other suggestions welcome, I've got a spare kidney I can sell on the black market if need be.

  • Deadwood
    14 years ago
    Nice Street Bob. Might look into a skull fuel cap, looks good.
  • oscar2009
    14 years ago

    i noticed you changed the bars! just on offchance do you have the originals and would you sell? david

  • blacky
    14 years ago

     This is my '87 FXRC - I imported it from the States as a wreck and rebuilt it


  • skin10
    14 years ago


    Nice bike. Just wondering where abouts you bought your front guard? Did you get that custom made?


  • Rans
    14 years ago
    Good work Blacky, good stuff brother.
  • Nado
    14 years ago

    Man how long it this thread???!!??

    About time to jump in....



    2004 FXDWG


  • Stinga
    14 years ago


    Here is my old girl with a few mods since my very first post






  • Daggs
    14 years ago
    wow !! thats clean Stinga ! nice ride dude
  • Deadwood
    14 years ago
    Coupla shmick wide glides there, nice work fella's.
  • Nado
    14 years ago

    Widies Rock......


  • Stinga
    14 years ago

    Cheers buddies thanks for the favourable comments, Widies F#%&kin Rule.

    IMHO any Widie up to 2005 are the best of the best in the Harley range, ya just gotta love that rear duck tail guard with the dip then the turn-up at the end and then that raked out front end with 21" wheel, the bestest.

  • Stinga
    14 years ago


    The bags and the Ghost Brackets are from Kazz Mazz over here in WA, the bags are the smaller size ones of the non slanted ones, used my stimulus money.

    Had to find some small indicators, as in the photo, but had to mount the Ghost Brackets in reverse so that when you want to remove the bags they slide rear-wards off the mounting post with the rear of the blinkers fitting inside the bracket.

    If I had done it the other way the lock would not let the blinker fit inside the bracket. But it could be done that way but you would have to drill out the fender rail were the old wires went through and, I am not into butchering me bike, mount the post there, have got black plugs in the hole were the old wires went and I am sill looking for some chrome plugs to make it more invisible.

  • speedzter
    14 years ago

    Hey blokes, stop quoting so many friggin useless quotes, your making my head spin and messing up the Dyna bike's post 

  • Hesh
    14 years ago

    Geez....they make them bloody huge over there!

  • Hesh
    14 years ago

    Now that Borisat has made the pic smaller, my previous post is kinda pointless. Nice ride though digger.
