Show us your bike - Dyna

  • dyna gliding
    dyna gliding
    14 years ago

    001.jpg picture by dynagliding

    my 06 fxdci

    up date


  • Dyna1994
    14 years ago


  • SuperGlide
    14 years ago

    Heres my girl, The Black Pearl, 2008 Superglide Custom, 14,000 klms, have'nt done too many mods really, just some red colour coding and stuff. Imported few bits n' bobs from the States. Anyway feels like "my" bike now. Absolutely love it. Pulls a good wheelie too, much to other HOG'ers disbelief! Been on some great road tips with mates, and even made a few great friends from the HD, don't get that on the jappa's.

    I'd like to go stage II Sucker and ECM and Bassani straight shots, plus I ordered a Burly slammer kit too but my back is already fucked so sold it on eBay.
    I will be changing the bars as these ones are no good, dunno what to get, maybe just T-bar with small riser, i'm 6'2". Is this useless Banter yet!?? So.... big Service tomorrow at Trivetts - last day of Warranty!! Does'nt bother me, I'd like to keep this bike until retirement. (which is 30+ yrs away!)



    Here she is on Great Ocean Road in full Hobo get up.....


  • DonC
    14 years ago

  • SuperGlide
    14 years ago

    Bit cheeky, but I've changed bikes so now I can do 2 x posts right??

    14 years ago

    My new Dyna Almost 3 weeks old managed toget caught in the rain twice so far , only changed the bars and grips, ended up with sportster bars in black, the stock bars were just horrible and painfull, got som e1.75 Rush slipons on order going on after first service.




  • Canbro
    14 years ago

    '94 convertible....a work in progress (ain't they all)

    Mods include: FXR bars with white retro grips, Mikuni total kit, slip-ons, bullet indicators, Le Pera bare bones solo seat, forward controls, white walls. Plans include progressive shocks & fork springs, remounting the headlight WG style so I can move the gauges lower & further forward, 6 gallon tank, cams, coil etc. I'll probably make another sissy bar in the near future and get a compact air horn so arseh*les on the M4 can hear it .

    I still have the factory screen & bags. The bags get used regularly as this is my daily driver & shopping trolley but the screen is too high.



  • Grumpz
    14 years ago

  • wilso
    14 years ago


  • toxic
    14 years ago

    see below VV

  • SuperGlide
    14 years ago

    So many nice Dyna's out there, top stuff boys!

  • sime69
    14 years ago

    here's of the few 'non-Softails' in Canberra.... 


  • Burnzi
    14 years ago

    Nice photos Grumpz. mmmm chrome lowers. Hey I have bn in ur shop bout 12 months ago?

  • Deadwood
    14 years ago


  •  GLEN
    14 years ago

    here is my 2008 fatbob


  • pafc64
    14 years ago

    At last T-Bars fitted ,prick off a job putting wires through the bars but worth it & they feel & look great.


  • fundi
    14 years ago

    love the seat natural leather solo

    how is it to ride on ??????

    thinking of throwing one on the fat bob when i get it (only months away now!)

    solo 99.9% time

    cheers fundi


    14 years ago

    1994 DYNA WIDE GLIDE , with screaming eagle pipes and jets

  • Tux
    14 years ago

    My Pearl


  • SuperGlide
    14 years ago

    It's just a "little bit fancy"....
