Online: Rextheute2022

Help needed in SA

    14 years ago

    I have heard some disturbing new about a fellow forum brother that was in ill-health. phat-boy has posted on here before with his battle with the big C, and I heard that his wedding was called off due to him falling very ill. I have heard other news that I am having trouble confirming.

    Is there anyone on this forum that has a contact phone number for phat-boy that can confirm that he is all right.

    Please PM me with any details.

    Regards & respect Lofty

  • andij
    14 years ago
    hope he is coping ok ,give him our best wishes
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    14 years ago

    reading between the lines in your post Lofty it don't sound too good.... wishing you all the best phat...

    14 years ago

    More information will be available today.

    14 years ago

    I have found out that Adrian (phat-boy) is very ill in hospital, battling the dreaded cancer. The good news is that he was well enough to get married in the Intesive Care Unit of Royal Adelaide Hospital on Saturday morning.

    Congratulations on your wedding Adrian & Sophia.

    Adrian is in Bed 6 - Ward B6 Royal Adelaide Hospital if anyone would like to pay him a visit or call Ward B6 through the switch on 08 8222 4000. He is pretty tired and drugged up, so don't be suprised if he can't take a call.

    I am going in to visit him tomorrow morning, and will pass on the well wishes from phat-boy's forum brothers & sisters.

    Hang tight phat, and battle hard. We are all praying for you brother.

    Respect Lofty


  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    14 years ago

    if I can re-arrange my schedule then I might join you Lofty... will call you in morning

  • Finny
    14 years ago

    All the best m8

    Lofty send our regards as well

  • ductor
    14 years ago
    All the very best Phat, I wish for good news for you.
  • Frank7214
    14 years ago

    Get well mate.

    14 years ago

    Ho,KC, and myself waited for a couple of hours to see Adrian, but he was having scans and was held up. Will try and see him today.

  • phat-boy
    14 years ago

    hey guys

    thanks for the kind words

    sorry about the other day at the shithole rah but they left me in a wheel chair to freeze and i could not move

    a quick update what happened a month ago

    all the family and freinds turned up for the wedding on sunday the 28th and and went for ndinner in magill. got  back to lobey about 11pm and got the shuvers. well this pissed off the boss to no end so she rang gumeraca hospital and said see you soon. as soon as she went to get our sthit i had a turn and chucked all over the place so she rang 000 and thats about all i remeber. buot 1.30am i was going down fast ie organs shutting down and the camel jockey doc says to sof to make phone calls as about 1 hour left. they all turned up and they put me on life support            the big C aint got me yet and i came back to life with some help from 2 special people            rah sucks and now i am at gumeraca hospotal. very nice up here and got my own room. struggle to get out of bed for the basics but thats ok because one setback is my rite lung has collasped and has a hole the size of a small fist in it so no pot     

    oh dear such is life

    getting buggered so i will get back on later

    thanks again and talk soon

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    14 years ago

    Hi Adrian.... sorry I didn't make it back to see you mate, but found my rucksack where I had left it in the canteen and had to catch up with my son. Thoughts are with you and your family.... take care buddy... and hope to catch up when next i'm back down.... UH

  • phat-boy
    14 years ago

    once again sorry abuot rah but out of my control

    at the gumeracha hospital now and celerbrating our 1 month marriage. sounds lame but meanns a lot to us.

    some of the nurses and oldies here would like to see some gents who ride and some really nice bikes.

    i can help out with johhny blue,bottleoport, own mix and a few frothies feel free to be loud and proud

    see you after lunch if you can make it

  • phat-boy
    14 years ago


    could be quiet today

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  • phat-boy
    14 years ago

    rain, rain,furkn rain

  • twincam88b
    14 years ago
    Geez a fella goes away for 3 weeks and all hell breaks loose. Hope you are getting on okay Adrian......cheers from TC.
  • vmax
    14 years ago
    Doe anyone have an update on Adrian ?.I would like to get up and see him but dont know if he is still there or where his health is at.If you are reading this Phat boy are you up to a visitor ?
  • motor_head
    14 years ago

    Gidday Phat Boy, congrates to both of you on the wedding, looks like ya new wife has got one tuff guy on her hands, get well soon mate, this bourbon and tomorrows ride is for you, Cheers.