• andij
    16 years ago
    we are being controlled by academic bureacrats ,the bigger government gets o does regulation,taxes,social monitering,overgoverning,we are fuel for the new nazis ..
  • Hoodaman
    16 years ago
    Tonight i went to but a six pak of smirnies and they have been taxed an extra dollar a can...now that pissed me off...To help stop binge drinkin they told me...Im a big boy now and im old enough to decide what i do...Tonight i decided not to buy them.
  • PaulK
    16 years ago

    There will be more opportunities to take a stand.. right now (as of Sunday 4th May) we are just waiting to see what the gummint comes up with next. I expect to organise another leaflet handout soon though - ANY helpers would be appreciated (thanks Fatboy!) but most likely during work hours.

    The Bill has been "indefinitely postponed" (at least for the moment) by the gummint themselves (I believe Michael Atkinson has taken that step - maybe because he is now an Honorary Member of some club?? Wouldn't that be nice.. using their own laws against them!!)

    I can't validate that rumour about the Attorney-General being a member.. if anybody knows, I'd LOVE to hear!!

    I have a few more things up my sleeve about this issue, but it really depends on what happens next. Right now, it is enough to simply keep the pressure up (ALL the motorcycle fraternity).

    One thing also that may have made Atkinson take it off the table is that I have finally got my Fed Rep to look into the issue and she has sent a letter to Atkinson asking him to "please explain".. This is brilliant!! My letter to my Fed Rep was based on the idea that this proposed law conflicts directly with stated Federal obligations and treaties under international law. How is it then that a State [parliament] can ignore Commonwealth directions and treaties? Why can a State over-ride human rights issues? and so on.

    At the very least, (I would think) they will have to re-write various sections.

    There are 4 options from here:

    1. They will put it through as it stands (they can because Rann/Labour has majority in both houses).
    2. They can make amendments and then push it through (personally, I think this is the most likely)
    3. Drop it. (best choice..)
    4. Just sit on it and bring it on again later.. ( a typical underhanded Rann tactic)

    I am making plans based on the gummints second option. I certainly haven't finished and I have quite a few things up my sleeve yet. (What exactly, I am not going to print because the last thing I want to do is tell THEM in advance). Everyone will know - when the time is right.

    The funny thing is, if they put it through as it stands, that will be the best argument I can make (in legal terms). Depending on what changes they make, it may make it harder to argue.

    IF it becomes law as it is, my opinion is that it will be thrown out of court. (Too many reasons to list here, but NOT just one!!)

    If they just drop it, or quietly shelve it, that means the bastards will try again later when all the fuss dies down. This is why --WE-- MUST keep the pressure up until we know exactly what's happening.

    {When I say --WE-- I mean everyone, not just HDs or scooters, or sportsters, I mean EVERYONE on 2 wheels - AND friends and families.}

    Please bear in mind, this is a time when WE must unite and work together. They will win if we argue amongst ourselves, if we show weaknesses or split into various groups.

    Regardless of what you may or may not think of me, the MRA, or even a moped rider, right now WE are under attack by the very people who should be working for us. So far the ONLY two pollies to suppport us have been Sandra Kanck (Dem.) and Mark Parnell (Greens).

    BTW: I don't feel that Sandra or Mark need to be made honorary members... But the rest do, even if for NOT speaking out against it.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Any ideas, if you can air them, let's hear it. Or, if you would prefer, PM me.

  • PaulK
    16 years ago

    Ah, here's the link to a few things:


    I structured this page mainly for legal resource and general information.

    The bit you really might like is the one on The Universal declaration of Human Rights of which Australia is a signatory.  Rann's Bikie Bill totally ignores it..  and this is the absis in which I got the Federal member to look at this - hence the "please explaon" to Atkinson.







  • PaulK
    16 years ago

    Ah, here's the link to a few things:


    I structured this page mainly for legal resource and general information.

    The bit you really might like is the one on The Universal declaration of Human Rights of which Australia is a signatory.  Rann's Bikie Bill totally ignores it..  and this is the basis in which I asked the Federal member to look at this - hence the "please explain" to Atkinson.
