2010 Easter Bike Week @ QR Postponed
We greatly regret to advise that due to international logistics and event schedules we have had to make the difficult decision to delay the introduction of Bike Week at QR. A number of unexpected difficulties came to light in the eight weeks since QR & Bike Week signed up to run the event at Easter.
Some of the key resources, especially international participants, that had been promised are no longer able to make the Easter date.
When faced with the hard decision of providing a greatly diminished event at Easter or waiting for a clearer calendar, probably in the early August timeframe; it was decided to hold off until such time as we had clear commitments of support from the local traders, clubs and the international competitors.
Now that QR and Bike Week have some clear air to negotiate with the key participants and promote Bike Week to a wider audience you can expect a much bigger and brighter event than we had originally envisaged.
The QR & Bike Week Crews.
now why arn't we surprised.... maybe we should take a raffle on when it will actually happen, if at all
Jeez what with this and after last year, I wouldn't be surprised if their numbers are down. Doesn't provide a whole lot of confidence for people looking to come from interstate.
maybe they heard that Nomtail and Nazza were planning a trip over east for Bike Week.......
Havn't we had this conversation before: postponed = cancelled. FFS lets call a spade a spade.
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FFS....I was trying to find an excuse for my non attendance and bugger me it's been done for me.........Mehtinks events are gonna be more and more difficult to get of the ground in the present anti bikie climate.....