Online: Daffy, paulybronco


  • Bobtail
    16 years ago

    Had a serious bottoming out going into a tight bumpy left turn this weekend on the Nannup-Ballingup road this weekend, it scratched the bottom of the primary chain case and gave me a little heart flutter as well

    I think that the stock shockies are not up to the task and a little soft, gonna tighten it up, but I want to look into getting somehting better. Have had a look at "progressive 422" or the bitubo system. Not too badly priced in the US, about $450 usd for the progressives. Might then also need to look at doing the front forks as well.

    Anyone got any ideas or experience with aftermarket shocks?



  • Bobtail
    16 years ago

    Gday RT,

    Thanks for the pearl of wisdom,

    the problem I had was not at speed at all. The corner in question has a severe dip that is not easily detectable and I was in the wrong part of it. I had bottoming out probs with two up as well, at very slow speeds. I refered to the workshop manual and there is a very small paragraph on how to tighten the springs, but it doesn't detail what the adverse  effects are if too tight and return rate is altered. So if I'm to muck uround with the suspension I might as well get something better than stock and easily adjusted, and pick the brains of those that have already gone down that path.

    What makes ya think I go fast anyway, Dazza doesn't think so


  • Bobtail
    16 years ago

    Thanks Thrus

    My softy is also very stable into most corners and sweepers at speed, the prob seems to be more at lower speeds with severe dips.

    Thanks for any info.
