Been away and broken

  • Hoodaman
    16 years ago

    g'day all

    Just a quickie to say i am back  after a nasty accident that left me sleeping for a week in hospital. Much better now but when i got home i could not get upstairs to the puter to log in so 4 weeks on the lounge watching cable. (going crazy).

    All is good now i have dragged my broken bits upstairs again to the puter and my own bed again.  Will be back on the road again real soon and have missed the forums heaps.

    My appologies to Bano and the others i was supposed to meet up with at Sys.  I was fkd up the night before so couldnt make it but will be floggin it (the RK) again soon so will come for the ride down your way.

    Glad to be back.

  • GREG
    16 years ago
    Welcome back Hoodman. Alls well I hope.
  • Hoodaman
    16 years ago

    Thanx guys... all the ouchie bits r feelin much better except when the boy is gettin the better of me..The ribs hurt the most dont want that ever again.   Tried to start the RK today but looks like i need to buy a battery charger tomorrow. Didnt take long to shit itself. Yeh i missed all the funny shit on here but sometimes i learn a little too and i missed that.

    Thanx for the well wishes guys.  

  • kingchops
    16 years ago

    Sorry to hear about the accident, hope all is well. I may be in the dark here but was the accident on the bike?
  • Hoodaman
    16 years ago
    Nope at least the mumma cant say she warned me about those dangerous things. But she did warn me bout those dangerous friends of mine. lol . It was in a Torana mate and I never want to be in a car again wothout air bags. The Hog is doin fine but for a flat battery. Was my fault for being in a car with a m8 after 6 smirnoffs. I take full responsability for a stupid choice. The Torana is now a can of soup me tinks but on the serious side i was pretty fkd up. Dont remember much but my wife loves me a whole lot more now so i guess it was bad.No more cages for me. A shitload safer on the hog than a car with a dickhead m8 who nearly killed me.... fk doesnt he owe me for the rest of his life.
  • kingchops
    16 years ago
    Sounds pretty bad dude. Good to hear that you're up and about again.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago

    shit hoodaman... now come to think of it, hadn't heard you around.. must have been bad. Good to hear you are on the mend and looking to get some bugs in the teeth

  • cattleprod
    16 years ago
    Glad to hear yer still with us mate. Went through the windscreen of a Torana once apon a time myself... ouch i feel your pain.
  • Finny
    16 years ago

    Glad to hear your on the mend,

  • boofhead
    16 years ago
    Welcome back fella.
  • Haulen Ass
    Haulen Ass
    16 years ago

    Glad to hear your doing better.  Hope your back to yourself soon