group riding peril

  • Bobtail
    17 years ago

    Was at Dwellingup today and got to talking to one of the riders that was taking part in the pink ribbon ride for breast cancer fund raising. he indicated that there had been an accident with a lady going AOT after overshooting a corner.

    One of the big problems with group rides is that the speed slowly increases and the less experienced try to keep up and being in close company can spell disaster.

    Hope you all ride safe.



  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    It's an interesting thing that people will risk their safety to keep up with the pack. Usually catching up can be done on the straight stretches where it's reasonably safe to do so. I've been on several rides where the front runners speed excessively to get a good 30 seconds to 1 minute ahead I was quite happy to trail at a speed I thought was reasonable.
  • Scorp
    17 years ago

    From the other side of the coin... I  went out with  some riders from another forum I visit. They are all basically Sports bikes .I kept up  with them purely because I didnt know the roads.I didnt know the people that  well either as it was my second group ride with them.

    Some of the corners I took  far to quickly for my skill level and or bikes capabilities but at least I stayed on  even if a few sparks where thrown back I am told.

    I have been looking for people to ride with as I dont know anyone who does anymore and this particular night I was available so off I went.

    Had a ball but there was at least 3 corners I almost overshot and one could have been disasterous as it was a 90 degree bend in the dark  with no street lights and it came up quick, also had an armco rail  in the median strip... Phew I made it put probably  gianed a few more greys.

  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    I rekon you hit on a very good point, it's always good in group rides for everyone to know where the destination is so people won't feel the need to keep up just so they won't get lost.
  • nobody
    17 years ago

    If I want to ride fast I will ride a sport bike.I have my Harleys so that I can ride sedately,see the world as I go past,and not have my eyes 10 ft in front of the front wheel,and most of all,enjoy the ride without taking all the risks I used to take when I was much younger................I guess you do get wiser with age..........or you die!!!!!

    p.s. just read an article in the Herald today,Young 21 year old Learner rider was killed whilst out riding with a mate on the weekend on the putty rd,most people that live around Sydney,Newcastle,Gosford areas would know that it is a great area to ride a bike,IF you have the experience,NOT for a LEARNER as this young guy found out


  • Today
    17 years ago

    I ride alone...for know other reason that I always know that I am in control of the situations that arise.   And they do!!!!

  • GREG
    17 years ago
    It's good to ride with a bunch, ya just apply some common sense and ride within your limit and allow for the idiot factor. I know there is always the chance of the unknown rider doing something crazy outside their limit but thats life. Hopefully they will learn and the group grows.

    There is no shame in pulling over and letting them do what they want and cruise in at your own pace.
  • kensim
    17 years ago
    it is good to get that blood pumping sometimes u must admit!
  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago
    If I am in a hurry I ride by myself. If I want to cruise, then it is kickback and watch them go by.
  • JC&S34
    17 years ago
    I always thought first one to the bar at the end of any ride was the winner.
  • kiteman
    17 years ago

    Through talking to bike riders I have found many who have never ridden with a group larger than 3 or 4. There's nothing wrong with that of course but there is a special kind of magic when riding with a bigger group of especially Harleys! I would encourage those guys to try it once or twice before making a judgement. There's days you wanna be alone and there's days you want some company. No right or wrong here!

  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago
    Waiting for the wife to get her bike (arrives mid December) and then will try a ride with the Perth Hogs. She is riding a piglet at the moment( Hyosong GV 250). I have removed the pillion seat on my bike so she has to ride herself. She doesn't want to be the only female rider in a group of blokes, so we ride in a small group of 3-4 bikes. Hopefully next year she will be comfortable with bigger group rides.
  • kiteman
    17 years ago

    Cuzzy, that will be great!! Maybe give her a few weeks to get comfortable with her new machine and join one of the Saturday intro rides. I work Saturdays so never make it to them but most HOG riders I have met really appreciate the ladies who have the guts to get their own bike and enjoy the rides from the front seat.



  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Not sure what learner bike your GF would be interested in but my previous bike to the sportster was a Hyosung GV250, great learner bike, has the old school look is fairly light and easy to ride. I'd highly recommend it for learners.
  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago

    My wife rides one. She loves it. Looks like a smaller version of a Deluxe. She calls it her piglet. When out riding people ask her what it is.
  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Here's a couple of pics of the GV250 that I had: