• swing arm
    swing arm
    16 years ago

    hi this might sound a bit strange but why would the front pot be running hotter than the rear   and     I still havent worked out the tacho problem yet eaither ??????????????

  • swing arm
    swing arm
    16 years ago

    with a lazer temp gauge it was not that hard you can get them anywere

  • swing arm
    swing arm
    16 years ago

    as for the lazer temp gauge I have one for work

  • Slider
    16 years ago
    HEY SWING ARM how you doing was the front pot cooler than the rear one ? the front pot get,s all the cool air on it when the rear does not so there would be a difference in temp . You did not say how much difference there was
    Cheers slider
  • swing arm
    swing arm
    16 years ago

    hi slider, its the front pot that is hotter by 25c and the bike was parked up front pipe almost red hot and the back pipe was ok hot but ok

  • Slider
    16 years ago
    is one of the carbys running a bit lean ( i,m guessing the bike has two ) maybe the front one is running to lean try and richen it up a bit and see how that goes
    Cheers Slider