just to be an upstart RAAF... 72 - 78
2AD, 486Sqn, 2FTS
21 years, discharged in late 2000. Started my service at 5th/7th Battalion, then changed to RAAOC as it was the only corps that had the job I wanted (A/T's)
Glad I got out when I did, too many public servants running the Army now.
I lived in Singleton NSW and played Aussie rules with the Army side... against the RAAF in Williamstown. Now that was an experience!!!! It looked like war. Does that count.
Nasho 69\71 Kapooka\ Pucka\ North Head \ 3TB Singleton\ Cunungra 1ATF Nui Dat Vietnam \Hercules\ Butterworth\ Williamstown\ Back of Red Cross Bus \ Ingleburn Military Hosp ....discharged..rest of my life...saga continues. .
Army, 22 years, Nasho 71/72, regs 72 - 93.
Armoured Centre
1st Armoured Regiment (tank)
Army Shool of transport
Perth Transport Unit
36 Water transport Squadron
District Support Unit Karrakatta
26 Transport Squadron
When were you at Puckapunyal Bob? I was there from 82-86 working mainly at the Ammo depot at Mangalore and fuel depot at Pucka.
Regards Bob