Where abouts is that crash site. A weird hobby of mine is researching aviation crash sites
Previous visit , still in the sticks
Funny you say that , I was talking to my dad this arvo, and long story short our oldest dog go went to heaven yesterday , we were remarking that the only thing you can’t get more of is time .
Another place is 2/3 of the way up Mt Superbus near Warwick in SE Qld, there's the wreck of a Lincoln bomber scattered through the montane rainforest.
Why not in Brighton or St Kilda? Because not everyone lives in Brighton or St Kilda. He built it in his home shed in the sticks, started flying it from a creek flat on the property. Interesting article from The Argus, 1911 in the link. Mentions that when he needed parts from Melbourne he rode his motorcycle there, 160 mile round trip in a day over 1910 bush tracks. That's longer than many HOG runs today. Probably didn't stop for coffee, and if he did visit St Kilda, wouldn't have had a soy skinny latte with a shot of caramel on the Esplanade. Might have had a pot of tea.
Nice link. The original linked article also mentioned a family address in Ivanhoe, I'll have to go back and check that too.
Mia Mia is within cooee of my joint. A beautiful part of NE Victoria, views higher up are amazing.. Agree wat a life.