87 softail swingarm spindle

  • nitrohd1
    15 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    Trying to fit some new pipes but need some info about the swingarm spindle.

    Old exhausts where home made 1 3/4" split level drags (1 Hi 1 low) VERY loud but to restrictive for the 107" motor.

    Trying to get it all off and realised the the really nicely made rear pipe support bracket is mounted on the swingarm spindle so I nned to know:

    Is the swingarm on a spindle all the way through from 1 side to the other?

    Is it a bolt going in from each side into a spacer between the swingarm sides (there is a flat each side on it)?

    What is the torque setting for this or it is just f#cking tight?

    Got a nice set of BIG Hooker trouble maker's waiting to go on!

    Any help appreciatted..........

  • daddyracer56
    15 years ago

    hi. number 2 is the one , cheers

  • nitrohd1
    15 years ago

    Thanks for the info, much appreciatted.

    Any chance you'd know if the right hand side swingarm bolt (as you're sat on the bike) is normal thread or left hand thread?

    I had a go at it both ways with a 1/2 metre breaker bar but it doesn't want to move (so far)

    Don't want to go to the appliance of violence on it until I know which way around the thread is!

    Now just going to spend my next few hours elongating holes in the mounting bracket !!!!

    I bought a hooker system for a 96"+ motor and gues what - the bracket doesn't line up with the frame cause the cylinders being taller than stock means its moved everything away from the mount holes !!

    Gotta love american engineering.....................