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Best Lift for lowered touring bike?

  • berms
    15 years ago

    Hi, looking for some advice on a lift for oil changes and small maintenance work on my FLHX........ I have one of those Cheap Ebay floor lifts which I bought but because it is designed for lowered bikes but the platform is very long and makes for a very unstable lift.

    What are you blokes using?

  • rowie
    15 years ago

    have a look in the curent REPCO catalog. I suppose WA is same as Vic. $149. I bought one last year and its great for cleaning rims/spokes. There are better around, but it depends on how much you want to spend.

  • berms
    15 years ago
    Thanks, but I've been there, done that..... Looking for something a liitle better than the $150 chinese special. I don't need a full length workshop lift, just a well made sturdy ATV style one.
  • Hound_Dog
    15 years ago
    Scotty, how much are the IB Lifts mate?
  • berms
    15 years ago
    Posted By Scotty on 30 Nov 2009 5:04 PM

    IB Bike Lifts work great.

    Ship to anywhere in OZ

    Thanks Scotty, they look pretty good mate. And Aussie made too.

  • berms
    15 years ago
    Posted By HogBag07 on 30 Nov 2009 8:25 PM

    I have a trade quip bike lift its very well made with a heavy steel scissor lift $600 from memory but it has a shit Chinese jack that leaks oil. Its about 1 inch lower than my FLHT with 13 inch shocks it should go under your lowerd tourer. TQ1037

    The easy rizer are very well made but are expensive $1090.

    Thanks Hogbag, I will check those out also.