Anyone had any experience with them, and what sort did you use. I think there is a fair range in the accessories book. Personally I don't like the look of a bike with 2 backrests on it, but I'm considering an interstate trip and I'm sure it would help with my crook back.
First thing I'm going to try is a sheeps wool seat cover. I bought one for the wife's Virago last year and it fits well and is pretty comfy on the tiny bike. However I didn't ever do a long trip on it, why would I.
Personally I would sort out the seat before I worried about a rider backrest,as the standard seats are not the best for any sort of support over any sort of distance.
I have the Danny Grey Big solo seat,which is a buttcrack design.In my opinion,for myself,it is extremely comfortable over longer distances,much more so than the Harley Pillow look touring seat,that I use when the wife is on the back.Even though the Danny Grey feels very firm when you feel it,I find that it offers much better support,hence more comfort.Mind you,that is just me,as I have had other people sit on it and say "I don't know how you could ride on that thing" guess it just suits my shape.Mind you, the people that say that haven't actually ridden on it.Their quality is absolutely 1st class,they are used by most of the best known custom bike manufacturers in the U.S. so their quality is show quality,I would have no problem buying another one,if I could only persuade my wife to give up her pillow look seat .
I know a lot of people use and really like the Mustang seats,I just never saw any that took my fancy,and besides,they are too common,I like a bit of originality as well.
Dont know why I didn't mention it yesterday,guess it must be fatigue from working shift work or something
The one thing I found with the roadking is that with the standard handlebars you tend to lean slightly forward,unless you are very tall or have very long arms,this tends to put a lot of pressure on your lower back and really can make your back ache,particularly if you do a lot of Km .A lot of people ,myself included have replaced the handlebars with bars that allow you to sit more in an upright natural position,taking the pressure off your lower back.I think rkc is also thinking of doing something similar and he is fairly tall.This may be something that you might like to think about,as I know it made a big difference to me,I now sit back happily and wath the kms go by with no back pain.
Thanks for that Nobody, yeah I rekon it's the bars, and I notice the chubbies are the go. The Harley cataloge has bars that drop back about 2 1/2 inches, but they will probably be dearer. I will try and see what other Road Kings have, and maybe chance to sit on one and see what it feels like. Next time I go to Peter Stevens I will see if they have any second hand bikes with the different bars. Best bet would be to atten a rally where there are a heap of bikes, eg HOG event and check out the different styles that people have chosen. The handle bars have been discussed in length in another forum......TC
or you could take a short ride to Sydney,and I would let you sit on my bike to check out the bars
Thanks nobody, trouble is I want to head to the West.....
I've got an Electra Glide with a Sundowner Seat, back rest for rider and backrest for pillion. I've also got a very luxuriously deep pile lambswool cover and the combination allows me to ride very long k's. Been interstate and country from Melbourne many times and not the slightest ache, and I have a broken spine held together with titanium rods and screws. Yet if I jump on my wife's bike and test ride just around the block (no rider backrest) my back is extremely sore. I can highly recommend my combination, used over many years on my 2001. HOBO.
We have the HD version and HD touring seat, both the seat and back rest allow you to knock up some decent daily runs in comfort.
Take a look here This is a different angle on the backrest idea.