Online: paulybronco, B0nes, Hilly

newbe to servicing

  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago

       hi all, im going to start doing my own servicing and was wondering if i have to actually remove the derby cover to fill the primary with oil as i dont want to damage the o ring behind? could i just fill the primary with the small chain inspection cover instead any ideas would be very helpfull.  this is my 16000k service and i own a 07 custom sporty thanks guys, im new to the more complex side of all this

  • houli
    15 years ago

    Step 1. Buy borrow steal workshop manual.

    Step 2. Follow manual.

    Step 3. If stuck consult forum.

    You jumped straight to step 3.

  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago
    thanks fellas i will fill it from inspection cover but i might have to take derby cover off anyway to adjust the primary chain or at least check it, but thanks for the input