Has any Rocker owners got the Rocker Roller bars on their bike. I spoke to Burleigh today and they recommend I buy the 12' bars. Any one got any feedback.
$500 plus shiping and while the dolar is good its not that expensive !
For handlebars??????? am i missing something here or am i so far out of touch.
What about some thing like this Frank,, You know the number
houli : it does seem expensive at first but after looking around i found it reasonable as ian (walka ) said the burleigh bars are $650 !! Quality products cost the dollars unfortunatly and i think its better to try and find somthing everybody else doesnt have for that amount of money " align="absMiddle" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif" />
in saying that i know ian (walka) has a massive range of different bars on offer aswell !!!!!!
Time i woke up, it really puts into perspective the big dollar bikes and the costs involved in parts alone if bars are $500 - $600, i need to get out of this bubble i been livin in.
Yes they are $700, but what the heck, you only live once. They are 1 3/4" thick. The Jack Daniel Rocker has them fitted.
The world has gone completely mad, going to go back into my bubble, there is no way i would pay anybobdy $700 for bars,
Are you sure its dollars and not Yen
Yep, it's no joke., I hate selling them. I always try and swing the customer on the the Bars in the Photo, I sell them for $475.00, Their 1-1/2 and made out of Chrome Molly and fully Tig Welded, Burleigh are only Mild Steel and Miged
Sorry can`t do it, just told my wife and showed her the pics of $700 dollar bars, she said you must be mental, you could get 2 pairs of shoes for that. WTF
Mate, thank chr*st I'm not the only bloke whose suffered their sense of value..... but remember, it's easier to seek forgiveness than permission. beagle