Online: paulybronco, B0nes

Factory workshop manuals on disc (most years)

  • Beef
    15 years ago
    I'll probably give it a shot.
  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago
    hi just wondering if its 24 australian bucks because it says it is 20 us and with conversion rate would be at least 40 australian bucks let me know what the go is and if this actually is true sorry im just sceptical about buying things on the net thank you
  • Pokey
    15 years ago

    Nimo07Sporty, what exchange rate are you using? Todays; rate was still > AUD1.00 = USD$0.90 cents so at USD$20.00 that should be a mere AUD$22.00 so the $24.00 aussie dollars is probably right. If your paying at 2:1 for anything out of the US presently your getting touched up. 


  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago
    ok thank you, yeah i dont really follow the exchange rate but i was unsure on the rate at the moment, im still new to purching items on the net and ebay and that sort of thing so i am jsut sceptical is all so ill have to contact gary and see what happens but thanks anyway
  • V2Evo96
    15 years ago
    Got my 09 touring Maintenance and (Electrical supplemenatary section) last Friday in the mail. one of the good things about it is there are links inside the doc to take you to other relevant sections inside as well.

    AUD $24.00 at the date of purchasing...... it could change a few cents either way depending on the exchange rate at the time.

    I'll eventually print and bind it but for now I'll just print the sections I need them.