Dyna 103 build

  • Spinner
    15 years ago


    I am about to do a 103 build on my 2009 dyna FXDC,[ allready fitted with a 2 into 1 exhaust and a heavy breather air cleaner] i will be using forged wiseco flat top pistons, set the deck heights to zero, 030 head gaskets, will be getting the heads done at Paul Hallam [Hallam Boyz] just a light port job and deck them to 82cc was planning to use a Andrews 54H cams with SE adjustable pushrods but have been informed by Mark at M&M cycles they will not be ready to ship till late December or early January. I can remember in another thread on this website you mentioned that wildthings are good cams producing good numbers what cam would you recommend for this build because i cannot get the Andrews in time. I am after a good overall package  any help would be very much appericated.

  • berms
    15 years ago

    Ozroder, that sounds like a nice build.... was it also a dyna?

  • andij
    15 years ago
    i rode a stage 4 103 kitted by harley davidson includin heads all in house ,went a treat 620.cams,58mm throttle body and V@h racin 2in1 exhaust bit loud it feels like a good pullin bike prob at least110 hp its a good alternate to other mish mash builds you could lose your licence in 2nd gear wat u gonna do with the other 4 gears
  • Spinner
    15 years ago


    I would be very intrested in these cams could you please let us know how many miles are on them, and how many dollars you are chasing.  When would you have these out of the bike i am looking for a set ASAP. 

    I live on the north side of Bris. 

  • Spinner
    15 years ago


    Thanks for the offer i have done a bit of reserch on these cams today and i think they will do the job just fine.

    Could you let us know what sort of dollars you want for them, let us know a contact number i can hold of you on and we will work something out.