back fire

  • Ron
    15 years ago

    Hi,I have a 2005 Harley Davidson FLSTFI 15th Anniversary Fat Boy I have just put on new barrels and pistons on and when I try to start it there is no consistant spark  and when it does spark the bike back fires trhough the fuel injection the timing is set right and the cams the same I have tripple checked when I did the job I disconnected the battery when working on it, is there a re-set system for the bike or do I have to take it to a harley dealer to program. thanks Ron.

  • aussiesport
    15 years ago
    there is always a logical and infuriating explanation for everything ,,check everything 6 times ,,,you havent put the pistons in upsidedown have you ??? lol... nah kidding mate .sounds like spark is sparking on intake stroke or close to it ..maybe scotty has hit the nail bud !
  • Ron
    15 years ago

    Hi, Scotty, Yes plugs and leads are on the correct way ,all plugs on  fuel injection good as well, the problem seems to come from the engine control system as the spark is not consistant . I have heard that if the bike has been sitting with the battery out to long that the system will go into safe mode and not let it fire up, also if battery is to low on power this can happen as well, the bike was sitting around for about two months with battery disconnected ,yes it does have new rollers ,lifters, push rods( adjustable),cams ,etc but all of this work has been triple checked as I own a motor bike shop and both of my mechanics have checked the work also, plus I also have another running motor to check against so I am extremely sure that the mechanical side is correct . Thanks Ron.

  • Ron
    15 years ago

    Hi Scotty, your were right I had not set push rod propley as vaulves we staying open and no letting the MAP sensor to read air flow to make it spark ,thanks for your help Ron.

  • Fat-Boy
    15 years ago
    Scotty, you're a very smart fella. This forum would be lost without your valued input.