Online: paulybronco, Wanderer57


  • kingchops
    15 years ago

    It was pretty hot this morning and I was riding in to work, all was ok until I got stuck in traffic towards the city then the bike started to splutter and eventually stalled.  Fark me!  It has started to splutter due to heat on another occasion as well in similar conditions but I managed to get going and it didn't stall. I'm running the Harley oil at the moment but I'm switching it out to Mobil V-Twin tonight after today's incident because it's supposed to run cooler.

    Has anyone else had overheating issues like this?


    15 years ago

    it happen to my 09 FXSTC  not to long ago in a heavy traffic jam , but it started up & kept going straight away . i use Mobil 1 V-Twin , its not unussual for a air / oil cooled bike to get hotter in traffic . anyway i dont ride my Harley to work & try & avoid traffic jams & traffic congestion , i ride my Harley on the open road were it belongs ..

  • houli
    15 years ago

    It may be your fuel line is routed too close to your heads, fuel can evaporate in the line and cause these symptoms, reroute your line or think about insulating or shielding it, it may not be routed as per factory.

  • Surly
    15 years ago

    KC are you sure it stalled because of oil temp and not because of a tune adjustment relating to temp? Did it turn over freely on the starter but wouldnt start?

    Having your bike run cooler is always good but I would want to be sure I was fixing the real problem too.


  • kingchops
    15 years ago

    Sounds good Scotty.  The problem does sound like something that just kicks in like this heat management mode you're talking about.  And yes it did just start after stalling so hopefully it's not overheating of the engine.

    I'll start by switching over to Mobil 1 tonight and will start looking at an oil cooler. 

    More info on cam suggestions would be good too.

  • Soapbox2627
    15 years ago
    heat management mode
    I can remember something about you computer thingy will cut out a cylinder and alternate them to try and hold down the temp, it will apear as a misstuned engine, but a turn of the wrist will restore it back to normal

    but I have been wrong before
  • Magilla
    15 years ago

    I run the Mobil V and oil cooler and don't have any issues. 40 up here all the time!  My right thigh is always cooking. 




    OK we don't have traffic

  • kingchops
    15 years ago

    I was thinking of getting an oil cooler but I've changed my mind.  I think with the issue of the motor heating up when stuck in traffic as others have said you need some sort of a fan.  There are some guys that have stuck fans on them but on the Dyna it doesn't look the best.  Plus more oil fittings and hoses increases the risk of oil leaks.

    I'm starting to think that a cooling fan might be the way to go, have been doing some reading about this LeNalle unit.  There's some good feedback on it from some sites that I have read:

    Sounds good to me as you can flick it on when stuck in traffic.  You could even remove it in the winter time.  It looks pretty good too.

  • kingchops
    15 years ago


    All depends on your riding habits I guess.  I tend to ride a lot around town and the overheating has happened to me twice now.  Best to have one of these on there in the summer I rekon.

  • twincam88b
    15 years ago
    KC I hope you have ditched the bike this week and have the aircond cage. Geez with the heat we are having it is too uncomfortable for the rider let alone the bike. Imagine the heat radiating off the bitumen when it's 40c
  • Rooster
    15 years ago


    Its 42 degrees here today......I'm leavin the bike in the shed.

    I think my puter needs one of those fans.


  • ductor
    15 years ago
    I've heard of two instances where a Night train and a 1200 sporty had shit in the tank and starved the bike at idle .This may not be your problem but it's something to eliminate.
  • kingchops
    15 years ago

    Got the lenale fan the other day and installed it on the bike.  Very easy install.  I still have to relocate the horn, want to try and stick it in the centre of the front down tubes. 

    Haven't had a chance to ride with it on yet.

    Here's a few pics:



  • AJ56
    15 years ago
    I got mine on today and yeah not to bad on the installation. I will have to see how things go when the heat hits. But it is more of a precautionary thing as I won't go out when it is really hot. So just in case I get caught out at some time.