Just checked crank runout on the bike over the weekend, Faaaark couldn't believe what the dial gauge was telling me. 0.07mm out which equates to about 0.0028" and andrews recommends no more than 0.003". I was going to put gear drives in it but now going towards the hydrachain setup. As bike has only 16000 Km on it this came as real shock to me so if anybody is planning on going geardrives, for the sake of a cam cover gasket & a couple of hours of your time it is worth checking, glad I did now I can go off & order my 37N camshafts
hi, sorry to hear that , do you give the bike a hard time or not smooth on the throttle ? as 0.028" is a lot of run-out that means that the crank mains is about several + thou out , not a good sign maybe have to fix crank, cheers
hi, i read that number wrong sorry i though it read 28 thou , 0.0028" at the cam cover end of the pinion shaft is within spec , sorry i stuff-up on the number , cheers
hi, on crank run-out , if you have about 0.002" to 0.003" run-out with the motor stopped, what do you think it could be @ 4,000 to 6500 RPM , as e.g. the older style shovel & evo + sporty 3 & 5 piece cranks with there tapered crank pins & shafts set-up . i think the pinion shaft bush in the cam cover would be under a lot of hard work , the t.cam later crank with the straight crank pin is stronger but at 6,500 RPM i hate to think whats going on down stairs , the cam plate must be under a lot a stress as e,g you can set the squish shelf up at 0.20" but you can't rev it up when cold have the piston hit the head , or have no carbon build up on the piston crown of squish area , but the head will grow away from the piston crown , with opp temp or heat expansion from the barrel , evo's can grow up to 0.020" to 0.040 " in deck height they say, there is a differance from on the bench to on the bike , the harley spec is just a spec to keep within limits but would be outerlimits at speed , i will be doing 6,500 + rev's in every gear this weekend, the good thing it's not my bike , cheers
hi, the reason i put as & e.g. ref against the early cranks is not a great deal has changed , there better materials, & fatter than early & have gone to a 3 piece crank comparied with the early 5 piece , but it's still the same concept as from about 1916 or so , knife & fork rod's with big dia flywheels ,
out rigger bearing mains support is for sure the way for less flex, + the pri side is not the best as the drive sprocket is to far from the l/hand main bearing with the alt & rotor + compensator in between if the alt & rotor was on the out side of the drive sprocket with a bearing shaft support + no compensator the drive sprocket would be a lot closer to the l/h main for less crank flex ,
the compensator could be swap to a cush drive in the clutch or rear wheel but as harley is we are not realy to be riding them like we do, so modified & riding them hard is pushing a very old design beyond there limits, last wed nite on the way to the drags i blew off a honda blackbird on this dyna it was bye bye blackbird bye bye he was shocked ? . at the drags she went 11.2 & 122 mph & i rode her there & back , not in the back of a ute like a cattledog . the pour crank is stock late model , cheers
hi. hey what did god say to harley davidson ,? don't do too much untill i get back, lol