As I said a little while back I would let you guys know about my progress with my disappointing 103 dealer build. When I picked up the 08 RKC it was 103ed, 211s, SEflattops, SEair and SERT. Well after 30000klms had the heads flowed, squish setup to 40thou and put on some V&H basic slip ons. The build was completed and the technician wanted it on his dyno but before I would let him near it I did 3 Vtune runs and gave him the bike with the base map in it for him to get started on. Guess what? They could not improve on what the Vtuned map did after at least 10 attemps on modifiying the map. They just went backwards. They stood there scratching their heads wondering what the F*** I had done to the bike. Well I have gone from 90ft/lbs and 85 hp to 106ft/lbs and 94hp and I gotta say its great having some torque!!!! The torque cure although not a steep as I would like was a beautiful line without dips and the hp line looked like someone had put in many hours trying to tweak.
Conclusion - dont let the dealer do your 103 builds unless he will do the build the way you want it and the TTS works.