Whats this I've read in HD mag about the quite push by the powers to be that they think we'll be safer with front number plates on our bikes. Man we need to get together and push you local pollie on this issue and stop this from happening.
Do a web search in Australia on front number plates and see whats going on behind our backs
There's a couple of articles (editorial) on the subject in the latest heavy duty mag, it asks us to bombard our local pollies. Bloody governments will have us all riding horses and shoveling shit Did I hear revenue mentioned.........
Lofty, we have plates on the back so the Toll operartors can take our pics allready.
The problem is the speed camera's now can take pictures both ways with the 1 camera so that's why the push for front plates on bikes
Between the Victorian and South Australian State Goverments we will all be screwed.
The rest of the States are sitting on their hands and waiting to see how much of the crap they are trying to introduce gets through and when and if it does they will all do it.
There is a push on a few other sites to organise a protest rally in Canberra to demand a better dealer for motorcyclists and to stop some of the new laws that are designed to effect the life style we choose to live. If it gets off the ground then the ideal time to do it is when the Summer Nats are on and the goverment and police departments are already stretched to the limit. It would cause absolute mayhem if there were 10 thousand bikers riding into Canberra when the cops are already run off their feet trying to maintain control over the rev heads.
We get screwed in this country because the Goverment know's that we are a nation of people who shrug our shoulders and say " she'l be right mate " and most of the time that is a great way and makes me proud to be Australian but every now and then we need to stand up. Write a letter to your local and state member, who knows if they read them but if they get enough they will start to look at us as votes and that is all that matters to them because without votes they are unemployed.
Add your name to the Anti Front Plate petition above. Strength in numbers.
For you WA guy's, here is the address of the Liberal minister on Community Safety Mr Rob Johnson - rob.johnson@mp.wa.gov.au and his opposite in Labor in John Kobelke no e:mail address, but a feedback address to the WA labor party is - www.wa.alp.org.au/hsmenu/feedback.php so depending on which way you swing drop them a line and ask them the question on what's happening in our state.
Done . Signed sealed and delivered
Front number plates why do the goverment want them? money ! why on the front of bikes because they are to lazy to turn the cameras around and take photos of us How much will it cost us and the goverment to much, How much to turn the cameras a round and take photos from the back NOT MUCH how easy is that it wasnt to hard for me to work that out and Im not that fucken smart
Well is it the silent treatment or is it already a done deal, I have written to both the Labor and Liberal party in WA and neither have replied. It just goes to show that they are tarred with the same brush and are a bunch or rude ignorant pricks. But this will not stop me from finding out what these bastards are up to so I'll keep sending the e:mails and they will keep deleting them.