I did my third data run and generated a final map from that
The bike is running really well but does seem harder to start and the idle is not very good either, Also I seem to have a lot of vibrations now at lower speeds
All in all I am happy with the way it is going but would like to sort out the low speed stuff
Any idea's?
Thanks Scotty
Don't know if it has any relevance but while I was on the last data run I got caught at roadworks for around ten minutes idleing
Could you PM me your email address, Thanks
Will sort it out tomorrow mate, I'm sure it's something I have done wrong on my end
I think it is sorted now
It seemed the data may have been corrupted when I was stuck idleing at the roadworks for so long, The bike got very hot and when I generated a new tune something went astray, (My theory anyway) I really know next to fuck all about this stuff
Went back to the previous map and all good again
Full marks to Scotty for helping out with this too Couldn't have done it without ya mate
Nah, Got all drunk and emotional one night and decided to keep it Dazza