I go out today to some data runs and after a while I get a whiff of oil, no one else around so I pull over and investigate only to find oil pissing out of the aircleaner. Seems some overflow through the breathers for some reason.
Was pulling around 6000 rpm when I noticed this.
Have done nearly 3000 km since I last changed the oil and have done 1 day of 1300 km with out a hint of this.
Could reving so high cause this to happen?? or is it something more sinister?
his what it was like when I got it home.....
Done it twice with me, but not that bad. All i did was clean the air filter and seemed to fix the problem...so i hope that was all it needed, but it seemed to work.
Well didn't get to the compression test today as need a different fitting for my tester.
Will be going for a ride tomorrow so will see how she goes and repeort back.
Before setting out on todays ride a quick check of the oil level reveals that the oil is about 12 mil down from the full mark whilst on the side stand, never topped it off. So start her and no unusaul noises and the oil pressure ramps up to just over 32 which is normal and once warmed up properly it settles on 32. In gear and of we go, plenty of power and no change from the last ride, all is good. Did about 450 km for the day and no oil from the breather, although I never reved it out to more than 5,000 rpm and rarely go over that any way. All is good it seems.
I would say that Scottys diagnosis is correct. Will still do compression test for peice of mind when I get to it.
As for the bidders, keep em coming and when you get up to about 30 grand I may consider accepting your bid.
Cheers for all the replys.
It all sounds a bit extreme Piggy........I doubt if we would ever get to anything like 6000rpm in general road use....damn near break the speed limit in every gear....Since I put me tacho on I was surprised at how low the revs generally stay..without lugging......last weekend at $1.80 chasing Crasher the revs got to about 4800 in sixth.....
The ECM starts to throw heaps of fuel in regardless when in WOT and max revs, unless set at higher revs ie. 10000rpm for tuning purposses. PEM (power enrichment mode usually set at about 4500rpm......
I have not ventured into the very high rev limits too often even when V tuning.....Leave that to Stix, FYO and Crasher
Yeah, have to agree with you BT I think I will be only doing tuning up to about 5,300 rpm because that seems to be my limit when getting it on before changing up, not much gain going above 5300 with this build when having a fang though the gears. In normal riding I generaly change at or before 4,000 rpm.