electrical problem

  • kiwi
    15 years ago

    hey guys just need alittle help took my bike out today all was going well until ihit abit of a bump and then it started cutting in and out kangaroo hopping and just being out right embarrassing the engine light came on and speedo started going bezerk going backwards and forwards hav checked the main fuse and battery terminals and they are all good so obviosly theres something loose not connecting properly.Regards Kiwi

  • Bender
    15 years ago
    Mother fucker, thats fucked. Id say ya have bumped some electrical component and spiked it. There getting trickier, my fuel lite n count back miles till empty dont work together anymore and speedo is out according to sat nav.
  • Bender
    15 years ago
    what where and how is this TTS ?
  • Thomo_Baca
    15 years ago
    I got done speeding the other week, and I dont reckon I was going as fast as I got booked for.
    Might need to get the speedo adjusted
  • Thomo_Baca
    15 years ago
    Still got it in, got the problem sorted at no charge.
    Might need to chuck Mrs T on the back with the GPS and check it
  • kiwi
    15 years ago
    Checked all my wiring and all was good,turned out to be a loose terminal earthing itself out on the washer behind should of been the first place to look but 2 weeks prior i had tightened the terminals up so just thought that couldnt be the problem so you know the old saying.U know what thought thought f*** all.Thanks guys.Kiwi.