Online: softfat

Record sales growth

  • Magilla
    16 years ago

    Extract from Oz biker nation #317

    Harley sales have increased 25.5% 2006 - 2007. 5600 bikes sold in 2006 and 7100 in 2007.

    Highest selling model being the Fat Boy (of course) at 1052 sold followed by a good showing from the Night Rod Special.

    All 42 Australian dealers have shared in the sales success, with the biggest percentage growth recorded in WA and Queensland.

    The Harley Davidson brand became the second biggest selling brand of road motorcycles in the Australian market in 2007.

    Magilla says: Maybe the steelers might reduce thier parts prices and share the wealth with the rest of us

    Magilla thinks: 3288chrisc has single handedly kept the Gladstone dealer in the money


  • FISH
    16 years ago
    No doubht about that both cars and bikes in WA have rocketed due to the amount of money around to the mining industry let alone what it did to the housing market!!