Best cam for 09 dyna.

  • Spinner
    15 years ago

    Could anybody out there let us know which is the best overall cam for a 2009 FXDC fitted with a SE heavy breather+ VH big radius 2into1 exhaust + power commender V the bike is running fine at the monent it only has 600 kms on the clock.

    I am after a good midrange cam  with good throttle responce without loosing anything off the top  also which set of push rods should i use with the cam swap,  what sort of gains should i expect with these mods.

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    15 years ago

    Shed, the EV3 is a good cam, but i thought it was an EVO cam think 09 dyna is a EFI twin Cam mate.

    Spinner i think when you do the first upgrades like you have, you get a good gain from small outlay, just a cam change on it's own will not make a big difference but will cost a lot more.

    better to just ride it as it is, then when your ready do a compleat performance upgrade like more comp to match cam you choose and larger throtle body valve job. and you will notice it more.

    the andrews 37 is a good cam for what you seem to want, but it needs more compression than stock, if you bolt it into stock motor it will go slower than stock. i have seen this happen.


  • rockyrob
    15 years ago

    Good advice Darkash, enjoy the thing  now  ,plenty of time to throw money at it and chase the elusive and hardly ever used power in months /years to come. And i know this because? Now i settle for a nice sound and look which costs a shit load anyway. but lets it breathe and rev at least. 09 Fatbob pulls like a tractor what more do you need or want than 96CI of pure grunt and where does it stop




  • Colonel
    15 years ago
    Hello Spinner

    I have a 09 Dyna Super Glide Custom that is fitted with Screaming Eagle high flow air cleaner, Khrome Werks 3 inch
    HP plus slip ons, Screaming Eagle 211 cams and Screaming Eagle Pro Super Tuner. I had the cams fitted at about the
    6000 km mark because I was looking for a bit more get up and go, especially on the open road because I ride the 430
    kms up and down between Perth and Geraldton. I am very happy with the noted performance difference with the bike
    accelerating much faster at all speeds, but I have noticed that the bike doesn't really like the slow speed stuff at low revs
    in heavy traffic, but this is only minor. I only did the cams at that time as that what funds allowed but I wish to do a 103
    big bore at some time in the future - Dyno tuned now at 79.98 horse power and 92.04 torque - yes I like it and am happy!!
    Power seems to be strong and even all the way through the revs right upto 6200 rpm

    Hope this helps