Dyna Front Brakes

  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    Can someone help me out.....its got me fucked.....I have no free-play in my front brake lever at all...

    not ever a few mm....I have tried everything and still the same...I tried before  in another section

    and only got one response so I will try here.....only got short fat fingers (like the rest of me) so its not

    good having to loosen my grip on the bars to apply the front brakes........had a scare last ride coming home

    from Nelson when a cow came out from behind some bushes on the side of the road.....had to buy a new

    pair of jocks...... cheers.


  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    The only thing I have changed is Zeneth?? chrome angle back levers...I thought that too ,but put stock

    lever back on to check and still the same. ...all else is stock.....when bike was new it had free-play

    just slowly got less over time...disc does not drag....only thing I can think of is rebuild the master cyl.

  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    Thanks will give it a go tomorrow...at this stage I will try anything but firmness is not the problem.

  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    No.... used Dot 4 as per instructed on top of filler cap.

  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    Thanks kiwidave I tried what you suggested but on the next pump lever was just the same again (no air bubbles)

    think I will pull the master cyl down when I have some spare time fairly shore its not in the calliper.

  • daddyracer56
    15 years ago

    hi, if the piston doe's not come back all the way home , your lever will rattle,    normaly the piston is up against the lever  no free play, on later models who wants rattle levers these days  older bikes did have some free play .  if you have old fluid  presure will build up & when bad will ride brake's,

    if you are using dot-5 you have to bleed  at least  2 reservior  full of fluid when bleeding the brakes  at least every 6 mths  to keep condensation at bay ,  even dot 4 needs to be flushed  reg   just bleed untill clean fluid comes out , if  m/cyl  is gummie then you will have to clean & hone ,  some service people  (shops) don't do this ?  cheers

    i've used the same piston rubbers if still in good con'd  just wash in warm water ,   check 1st  sometimes better than using aftermarket crap or use original  new kit,     cheers  

  • Deadly
    15 years ago
    I have never looked inside a HD master but this sounds more like the circlip that holds the piston against the return spring has jumped out of it's groove.
  • Wingy
    15 years ago

    Pulled the master cylinder apart today.....there are NO cir clips in there at all....the only thing holding every

    thing in is a small outer dust seal......once apart I noticed a lot of corrosion just behind this seal......carefully cleaned

    this up, thouroughy cleaned everything up and put back together with new clean fluid... didnt even have to bleed

    it......all seems good so far I will take it for a good ride tomorrow......too many oyzo's tonight........the lever feels

    completely different it must have been binding on the corrosion.......hope this helps others.

  • daddyracer56
    15 years ago

    hi, hey deadly how did you crack the bottom of the fork leg ?  i've never seen anything like that before  , cheers