2007 superglide...problems chroming diecast parts...warning

  • black29d
    16 years ago

    Hi all


    Just got back from the chromers with a hand full of parts of an 07 superglide, most came up a treat.


    But I had tried to have the speedo clamp and risers chromed. The problem is that Harley has added something in the metal in die cast parts.

    The reacted when placed in the tanks, it only got as far as the first copper coat, it bubbled the copper, the chromers stopped the process and aren't prepared to go any further on them.


    So any one thinking of getting these parts chromed, should think twice.


    Any good excuse to buy a set of Burliegh bars



  • kensim
    16 years ago
    a lot of cast alloys have magnesium for strength weather this is the problem i dont know
  • black29d
    16 years ago

    Well I know stuff all about the process, all I know is that the chromers refused to continue with these parts


    The rest of the cast stuff came up a treat, I have just spent Easter putting it back together.

    For now, I brought a can of Dupi color chrome paint and painted the risers and cast speedo mount, it doesn't look that bad, a lot better than the black

    I still haven't decided if I will fit new bars with built in risers or have another go at trying to get these things chromed.

