Just wondering how you fella's go about running your wiring down through you bars...Do you dismantle the switch blocks,run the wires and then reconnect the switch blocks...Just cut the wires down by the tank ,run them through the bars and then just re-join them or do you chase them down through the harness until you find where they are joined,do the job through the bars and then join them back into there original position...
i put a peice of string down then suck it through with a vacuum , works a charm and cost $0 then ya conect a wire to string then the loom to the wire
Or push a draw wire down the bars connect the others to it and pull them back up.When i changed the bars on my 2001 nighttrain i ran new wires back to the plugs the only thing you have to get hold of is the correct crimpers and pin connectors to do the job properly, saves joints which if not done properly might give trouble later
There is a thread on this forum with instructions, I have to find it
I used the string with a small nut on the end to thread through my bars
Remove the plug from the plug end, they are designed to be dismatled, write down the wrining colours to pin location, before you start
also be cearful of the wires that a simular in colour.
it might pay to enlarge to holes that the wires come out of to allow the heat shrink to come through and make sure that there is no sharp edges